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  • #70219
    Matt Mason

    Matt Mason




    Hi All,
    I thought this new publication by the World Health Organisation would be of interest to the list. It may make getting approval from your ethics committee that little bit easier.
    Cheers Matt

    Matt Mason
    RN, BNSci, Grad Dip (Remote Health), M Rural Health, M Adv Prac (Inf Cont), CICP

    Lecturer/Campus Co-ordinator
    School of Nursing, Midwifery & Nutrition
    James Cook University
    Thursday Island
    Qld, 4875

    P: (07) 4069 2670
    I: +61 7 4069 2670
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    —–Original Message—–
    From: WHO Patient Safety [mailto:PATIENTSAFETYLS3@LISTSERV.WHO.INT] On Behalf Of WHO Patient Safety
    Sent: Thursday, 25 July 2013 12:32 AM
    Subject: Ethical Issues in Patient Safety Research

    Dear colleagues,

    A new WHO publication, Ethical Issues in Patient Safety Research, recently published, reflects on the specific ethical questions that can arise in the conduct of patient safety research and improvement activities, and aims to provide clear guidance on how to interpret internationally accepted ethical principles in such contexts. The publication also includes patient safety and quality improvement activities, not always considered research, but which sometimes contain some ethical risks to patients or providers.

    In response to requests from research ethics committees (REC), patient safety researchers and interested professionals, this publication provides thirteen specific guidance points about the specific nature of ethical risks associated with patient safety activities and ways to minimize these. It also looks at the criteria for identifying minimal risks, breaches of confidentiality and offers suggestions for protecting it, together with privacy and anonymity. It also identifies other ethical situations where patients or providers may be affected by research and patient safety activities, providing guidance on the obligations that researchers have towards patients and research participants in such scenarios.

    While patient safety research and related improvement activities share features with many other types of research, questions are frequently raised about the type and extent of ethical oversight that may be warranted, in a context where members of research ethical committees are not always comfortable issuing advice, or where researchers and quality or safety practitioners are not always fully aware of how to minimize the risks associated with their activity, to best protect their recipients. This publication is a first attempt to provide some clear guidance in this area.

    You can access and download the publication at the following link:

    Warm regards,
    WHO Patient Safety Programme
    WHO Ethics Review Committee Secretariat

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