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FW: Announcing the 6th Annual National ANTT Conference – November 29th 2013 – Central London

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  • #70190
    HIP Consultancy

    HIP Consultancy




    Anyone fancy a trip to London?

    Cath Wade


    Healthcare & Infection Prevention

    Dear Colleague,

    We are pleased to announce that the 6th Annual National ANTT Conference will be held in Central London on 29th November 2013.

    There are many highlights and we are delighted that the President of the Infection Prevention Society (IPS) Julie Storr will be opening the day. This year, the conference focuses on helping hospital and community based organisations reduce HAI with a practical focus on ANTT issues. The programme includes a microbiology update from eminent microbiologist Professor Peter Wilson. Our own Clinical Director for ANTT, Stephen Rowley, provides a new Master Class on teaching ANTT. Mitchell Fernandes, Infection Control Specialist provides the community focus and tackles head on the most common and challenging community aseptic procedures. Other excellent speakers provide a broad and practice-relevant programme – aimed at supporting your organisation to reduce HAI and improve patient experience (See attached for the full programme). Lastly, the day provides an opportunity for you to help review all the National ANTT Guidelines. Have your say!

    Registration includes ANTT Membership and the new ANTT Foundation E-Learning Course.

    So please register early as all previous conferences were booked out. There is a discount for registrations made before October 1st.

    Register at

    If you are unable to attend, we would really appreciate you forwarding this e-mail to colleagues within your organisation.

    Thank you for your support.

    Patricia Fernandes
    ANTT Conference Organiser

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