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FW: [ACIPC_Infexion_Connexion] hand soaps for healthcare areas

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  • #69591
    Glenys Harrington

    Glenys Harrington


    Infection Control Consultancy (ICC)


    Hi Louisa,

    Any antibacterial skin preparations that are to be used in clinics or
    hospitals or make claims further than bacteria are Therapeutic Goods.

    Hand sanitisers or antibacterial skin preparations can be classified as
    cosmetic if they only claim to be active against bacteria and are for
    general household use. See cosmetic guidelines pages 12 – 17 which details
    when a hand sanitiser become a therapeutic goods (extract below)

    In general, products making therapeutic claims must be manufactured by
    TGA-licensed manufacturers in accordance with the principles of Good
    Manufacturing Practice (GMP), and must be included in the Australian
    Register of Therapeutic Goods (ARTG) before being supplied in Australia.

    In order to get a product included in the ARTG, a sponsor must submit an
    application to the TGA, together with relevant supporting data. The sponsor
    of a therapeutic good included in the ARTG must be an Australian resident
    and/or carrying on business in Australia.


    Antibacterial skin products where information is presented on the label, or
    by other promotional means (e.g. advertising, internet site, point of sale
    material) to indicate the products:

    – are active against viruses, fungi or other microbial organisms other than
    bacteria; or

    – are to be used in connection with a specific disease, disorder or medical
    condition; or

    – are active against a named bacterium that is known to be associated with a
    specific disease, disorder or medical condition.

    – are to be used in connection with piercing of the skin or mucous membrane
    whether for cosmetic or any other purpose; or

    – are to be used in connection with any procedure associated with the risk
    of transmission of disease from contact with blood or other bodily fluids;

    – are to be used before any physical contact with any person who is
    accessing medical or health services, or who is undergoing any medical or
    health care procedure; or

    – are to be used in connection with any procedure involving venepuncture or
    delivery of an injection.

    What to do –

    1. Ask the supplier/manufacturer if their HH product is included in the
    Australian Register of Therapeutic Goods (ARTG)

    2. Ask for a copy of the copy of the “Public ARTG Summary” or

    3. Search the Australian Register of Therapeutic Goods (ARTG) by product
    name or company



    Glenys Harrington
    Infection Control Consultancy (ICC)

    PO Box 5202
    Middle Park
    Victoria, 3206
    H: +61 3 96902216
    M: +61 404 816 434
    ABN 47533508426

    —–Original Message—–
    Of Louisa Sasko

    Hi all,

    I am currently desperate for some information regarding hand soaps being
    used in the clinical setting. Are there any guidelines that stipulate what
    soaps are allowed to be used by Healthcare Workers for instance it must be a
    hospital grade soap or TGA registered/approved soap for clinical use.

    Thanks in advance


    CNC Infection Control
    Ryde Hospital Sydney
    Ph 985 87664
    M 0434323266
    Pager 54581

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