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Feedback on ACHS Clinical Indicators – Infection Control

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  • #69029
    Claire Boardman

    Claire Boardman




    The College has been asked to participate in an ACHS Infection Control Clinical Indicator Working Party to review the current version 3.1 of the ACHS Infection Control Clinical Indicator set. Claire Boardman (ACIPC President) will be representing the College at the forthcoming meeting in Sydney.

    It is imperative that the working party know the views of the clinicians who report on these indicators, both positive and negative, so that the revised set is meaningful to those providing the care and reflective of current practice. Indicator sets are routinely reviewed every three (3) years, so if you are unhappy with some aspect of this indicator set – it will remain that way for another three (3) years if the working party is not informed of any current issues.

    To enable feedback prior to the meeting ACHS has requested feedback via an Infection Control Clinical Indicator survey which should take around 20 minutes to complete and will provide valuable information to the Infection Control Clinical Indicator Working Party for their discussion on the current indicators and potential areas for new indicator development.

    The survey can be completed via the following link: and feedback has been extended until Friday 1st June 2012

    If you would like to provide any other form of feedback please email Claire at no later than this date.

    Claire Boardman
    ACIPC President

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