Hi All,
The ACIPC would like to hold additional workshops after the success of the
Adelaide workshop in March.
I have volunteered to coordinate the workshops – 1 in Sydney, 1 in Melbourne
& 1 in a regional centre e.g. Wagga Wagga / south west NSW region
I am currently seeking venues to host the workshop, preferably a site that
has recently completed, is currently undergoing or about to undergo some
form of renovation, rebuild, extensions etc.
The venue would need to have available adequate space for;
1. The presentation by Glenys Harrington for up to 50 people
2. Area for light refreshments to be served (morning tea & lunch)
3. Exhibition area for the sponsors – preferably in the same / close
proximity to where the food is being served.
Some assistance from the Infection Control Team of the host venue would be
required on the day to coordinate the group activities.
I would greatly appreciate any expressions of interest from facilities in
the 3 proposed areas.
We would like to hold the workshops late May / June.
This would be an excellent opportunity for any facility to work more closely
with Glenys Harrington and receive valuable feedback from the workshop about
their facility.
Many Thanks
Cath Wade
Healthcare & Infection Prevention
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