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  • #70277
    Jennifer McCarthy

    Jennifer McCarthy

    Infection Control Coordinator

    Maryvale Private Hospital


    Dear all
    We have recently put a “scope buddy” in our endoscopy area (a device
    that automatically flushes the scope prior to putting in the AFER) . My
    concern is the suppliers have told the endoscopy staff that “other
    hospitals” leave the tubing attached to the scope buddy with the low
    level instrument grade disinfectant through the tubing.
    The tubing is reusable and staff have set up a system where the tubing
    sits in the disinfectant until the next list. Any comments?
    Jenny McCarthy
    OR Manager/Infection Prevention and Control Coordinator
    Maryvale Private Hospital
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    Hi Jenny,

    Usually the disinfectant is circulated through the tubing at the end of the
    day – it isn’t ‘soaked’.


    Terry McAuley

    Sterilisation & Infection Prevention and Control Consultant

    STEAM Consulting



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    Of Jenny McCarthy

    Dear all

    We have recently put a “scope buddy” in our endoscopy area (a device that
    automatically flushes the scope prior to putting in the AFER) . My concern
    is the suppliers have told the endoscopy staff that “other hospitals” leave
    the tubing attached to the scope buddy with the low level instrument grade
    disinfectant through the tubing.

    The tubing is reusable and staff have set up a system where the tubing sits
    in the disinfectant until the next list. Any comments?

    Jenny McCarthy
    OR Manager/Infection Prevention and Control Coordinator
    Maryvale Private Hospital

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    Roel Castillo

    Roel Castillo




    Hi Jenny

    Terry is right, additionally include a cleaning protocol in place, as you treat all other equipment (and attachments) for reprocessing.
    Happy processing.



    Roel Castillo
    Project Officer SSD
    [The Chris O`Brien Lifehouse at RPA]
    Level 5, 119-143 Missenden Road
    Camperdown NSW 2050
    PO BOX M5 Missenden Road NSW 2050

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    Dear all

    We have recently put a “scope buddy” in our endoscopy area (a device that automatically flushes the scope prior to putting in the AFER) . My concern is the suppliers have told the endoscopy staff that “other hospitals” leave the tubing attached to the scope buddy with the low level instrument grade disinfectant through the tubing.

    The tubing is reusable and staff have set up a system where the tubing sits in the disinfectant until the next list. Any comments?

    Jenny McCarthy
    OR Manager/Infection Prevention and Control Coordinator
    Maryvale Private Hospital

    Maryvale Private Hospital Confidentiality and Privacy Notice

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    Sue Finch

    Sue Finch




    Hi Jenny

    As Brand names are discouraged from being used in this forum I will be very
    generic so hope it is understandable.

    I suspect you have already had a look at this online instructional video for
    the mechanical device you refer to, but if not I have included the link for
    you and others to look at.

    This is an American product and as such some of the language and practices
    in the video are not reflective of our National Endoscopy Guidelines, such
    as leaving the decontaminated tubing full of disinfectant attached to the
    machine to soak for extended periods or as an alternative rinsed tubing can
    be hung to dry.

    GENCA guidelines -Infection Control in Endoscopy Guidelines states
    -cleaning adaptors and flushing systems must be sterilised via steam or
    approved low temperature equivalent or at least thermally disinfected after
    each use. I would suggest leaving tubing soaking for an extended period of
    time would pose Infection Prevention risks particularly any of the
    resistive water borne microorganisms. If the manufacturer is suggesting the
    tubing be disinfected in accordance with routine disinfection instructions
    after each use then that would make more sense, however this would require
    enough tubing to allow cleaning, rinsing and disinfecting for each scope.

    The disinfectant that the manufacturer is using in the video is
    glutaraldehyde, so assume a similar glutaraldehyde chemical is being used in
    your department. Glutaraldehyde 2% is an approved TGA high level
    disinfectant but no where can I find the efficacy of items after prolonged
    soaking which suggests that this is not its intended use. Plenty of
    information however out there about the hazards associated with the use of
    glutaraldehyde which is a concern.

    I would suggest the sterilization of the tubing via low temperature or steam
    after each use or the cleaning and high level disinfection then rinsing in
    between use. I would be asking the manufacturer to supply instructions on
    how these reusable medical devices should be appropriately processed for
    reuse. If they cannot supply them to you then you can notify the TGA and
    report this as this is a mandatory requirement of manufacturers and also
    Sponsors of Overseas manufactures (suppliers) of Reusable Medical
    Devices(RMD). But in the interim obviously disinfection via soaking is the
    only option recommended by the manufacturer so according to GENCA
    guidelines it must e performed in between each use and must be subject to
    the same requirements of documentation as required for the scope. For
    terminal processing I would suggest the tubing be thoroughly dried in a
    drying cupboard (not air dried)before storing in a manner that prevents


    Sue Finch

    Nurse Consultant

    Infection Prevention & Control

    Sterilizing Services

    P: 0419306845


    Of Jenny McCarthy

    Dear all

    We have recently put a “scope buddy” in our endoscopy area (a device that
    automatically flushes the scope prior to putting in the AFER) . My concern
    is the suppliers have told the endoscopy staff that “other hospitals” leave
    the tubing attached to the scope buddy with the low level instrument grade
    disinfectant through the tubing.

    The tubing is reusable and staff have set up a system where the tubing sits
    in the disinfectant until the next list. Any comments?

    Jenny McCarthy
    OR Manager/Infection Prevention and Control Coordinator
    Maryvale Private Hospital

    Maryvale Private Hospital Confidentiality and Privacy Notice

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