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- This topic has 0 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 14 years, 11 months ago by
Wishart, Michael.
08/04/2010 at 2:14 pm #68256
Good afternoon all,
I have two questions today…..
Firstly, I was wondering if anyone has suggestions for what is appropriate in the ED waiting room for children.
One of the hospitals we look after currently has a large fixed wooden playpen which is in good condition in their waiting room and I have been asked if this is appropriate.
I have also been asked to suggest suitable toys and what would be appropriate in future should renovations occur.
(The other hospitals we look after do not have equipment available in ED waiting rooms.)
Second, I have been questioned on the use of fly strips in a hospital where they appear to be having a problem at the moment with flies. Any thoughts or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you in advance for your experience and advice
RegardsJill Palmer |CNC, A/Infection Control
Katherine Hospital |Gove Hospital |Tennant Creek Hospital
Department of Health and Families
Giles Street, Katherine, NT 0850 | PMB 73, Katherine, NT 0852
p… (08) 8973 9266| m… 0427394492 | f… (08) 8973 9390
e… jill.palmer@nt.gov.au| http://www.nt.gov.au/healthMessages posted to this list are solely the opinion of the authors, and do not represent the opinion of AICA.
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You can unsubscribe from this list be sending ‘signoff aicalist’ (without the quotes) to listserv@aicalist.org.au08/04/2010 at 3:30 pm #68257TERRI CRIPPS
Hi Jill,
Firstly, I prefer to steer away from wooden toys and playpens, especially in waiting rooms as these tend to be frequented by children with runny noses who are not so sick as to be bedridden and who use the equipment and suck, lick and bite them. It is difficult to clean wooden things as they get wet and do not dry out for quite some time. Bacteria and viruses can live on wooden surfaces for a while if not cleaned adequately.
Any toys that can be wiped over with a neutral detergent for your everyday (non-infectious) type patients to use are great, for example plastic, melamine. Any toys given to the children with infectious diseases we wipe over with alcohol or bleach after cleaning them.
Second – I am sorry but I have no experience with fly strips and would imagine that they are difficult to clean.
If you need any more help with toys let me know.
Terri Cripps | CNC Infection Control | Sydney Children’s Hospital
‘: (02) 9382 1876 | fax: (02) 9382 2084 |* : terri.cripps@sesiahs.health.nsw.gov.au| “:www.sch.edu.au| page: 47140________________________________
Good afternoon all,
I have two questions today…..
Firstly, I was wondering if anyone has suggestions for what is appropriate in the ED waiting room for children.
One of the hospitals we look after currently has a large fixed wooden playpen which is in good condition in their waiting room and I have been asked if this is appropriate.
I have also been asked to suggest suitable toys and what would be appropriate in future should renovations occur.
(The other hospitals we look after do not have equipment available in ED waiting rooms.)
Second, I have been questioned on the use of fly strips in a hospital where they appear to be having a problem at the moment with flies. Any thoughts or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you in advance for your experience and advice
RegardsJill Palmer |CNC, A/Infection Control
Katherine Hospital |Gove Hospital |Tennant Creek Hospital
Department of Health and Families
Giles Street, Katherine, NT 0850 | PMB 73, Katherine, NT 0852
p… (08) 8973 9266| m… 0427394492 | f… (08) 8973 9390
e… jill.palmer@nt.gov.au| http://www.nt.gov.au/healthMessages posted to this list are solely the opinion of the authors, and do not represent the opinion of AICA. Archive of all messages are available at http://aicalist.org.au/archives – registration and login required. Replies to this message will be directed back to the list. To create a new message send an email to aicalist@aicalist.org.au To send a message to the list administrator send an email to aicalist-request@aicalist.org.au. You can unsubscribe from this list be sending ‘signoff aicalist’ (without the quotes) to listserv@aicalist.org.au
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Wishart, MichaelEmail:
Hi Jill
I would be looking to either coat the wooden playpen with an impervious coating (eg sealed paint) or replace it with something more easily cleaned. Any toys for use in a communal area should be easily cleaned (eg no cloth/fabric/bare wood) and should be cleaned regularly and definitely after use by babies who may suck on them.
As far as ‘fly strips’ are concerned I have worked in a number of outback SA facilities and the best solutions for flies was air curtains, which prevent insects flying in. You should speak to your facilities management staff about the feasibility of these.Hope this is useful.
MichaelMichael Wishart | GPH – Infection Control Coordinator
GPH – Quality & Safety Unit (Infection Control) | Greenslopes Private Hospital
Newdegate Street, Greenslopes QLD 4120
t: 07 3394 7919 | f: 07 3394 7985
e: WishartM@ramsayhealth.com.au | w: http://www.ramsayhealth.com.auRamsay Health Care is an environmentally responsible corporation, please consider the environment before printing this email.
________________________________________Good afternoon all,
I have two questions today…..
Firstly, I was wondering if anyone has suggestions for what is appropriate in the ED waiting room for children.
One of the hospitals we look after currently has a large fixed wooden playpen which is in good condition in their waiting room and I have been asked if this is appropriate.
I have also been asked to suggest suitable toys and what would be appropriate in future should renovations occur.
(The other hospitals we look after do not have equipment available in ED waiting rooms.)
Second, I have been questioned on the use of fly strips in a hospital where they appear to be having a problem at the moment with flies. Any thoughts or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you in advance for your experience and advice
RegardsJill Palmer |CNC, A/Infection Control
Katherine Hospital |Gove Hospital |Tennant Creek Hospital
Department of Health and Families
Giles Street, Katherine, NT 0850 | PMB 73, Katherine, NT 0852
p… (08) 8973 9266| m… 0427394492 | f… (08) 8973 9390
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