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- This topic has 3 replies, 8 voices, and was last updated 12 years, 4 months ago by
01/11/2012 at 10:28 am #69499
Hi All,
It has been suggested to me that dressing trolleys should not be used in aged care facilities as this reduces the homely nature of the facility and can put the facility at risk in relation to their accreditation. Instead the facility wants to use the bedside table or bed to lay out the sterile field. I have a number of concerns about this, both from an OH&S and infection prevention point of view. Has anyone else come across this argument before?
Cheers MattMatt Mason
RN, BNSci, Grad Dip (Remote Health), M Rural Health, M Adv Prac (Inf Cont), CICPLecturer/Campus Co-ordinator
School of Nursing, Midwifery & Nutrition
James Cook University
Thursday Island
Qld, 4875
AustraliaP: (07) 4069 2670
I: +61 7 4069 2670
F: (07) 4069 2627
E: matt.mason@jcu.edu.au
W: http://www.jcu.edu.au/nursing/JCU CRICOS Provider Code: 00117J
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01/11/2012 at 10:40 am #69500GREENOUGH John R (SVHM)
Hi Matt,
I find this quite odd. We use procedure trolleys with sharps containers and ABHR attached in our residential aged care facilities. These procedure trolleys are stored in utility rooms when not in use. They are not stored in the resident’s rooms. This has never been raised at accreditation as being an issue. Indeed I would have concerns if the facility did not use procedure trolleys.Kind regards.
John Greenough | Infection Control Consultant
St Vincent’s | 41 Victoria Parade Fitzroy VIC 3065
t: +61 3 9288 4704 | f: +61 3 9288 4068 | http://www.svhm.org.au[Description: Signature_final.JPG]
Hi All,
It has been suggested to me that dressing trolleys should not be used in aged care facilities as this reduces the homely nature of the facility and can put the facility at risk in relation to their accreditation. Instead the facility wants to use the bedside table or bed to lay out the sterile field. I have a number of concerns about this, both from an OH&S and infection prevention point of view. Has anyone else come across this argument before?
Cheers MattMatt Mason
RN, BNSci, Grad Dip (Remote Health), M Rural Health, M Adv Prac (Inf Cont), CICPLecturer/Campus Co-ordinator
School of Nursing, Midwifery & Nutrition
James Cook University
Thursday Island
Qld, 4875
AustraliaP: (07) 4069 2670
I: +61 7 4069 2670
F: (07) 4069 2627
E: matt.mason@jcu.edu.au
W: http://www.jcu.edu.au/nursing/JCU CRICOS Provider Code: 00117J
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01/11/2012 at 10:48 am #69501Michael Wishart
Michael WishartEmail:
Hi Matt
My only concern about procedure trolleys would be the management of them between patients. If they do not get cleaned between each patient and are travelling from room to room, that is an issue. As long as there is good evidence that trolleys were being cleaned between patients, it should not be an issue. Maybe including this in a routine audit would satisfy the surveyors.
In a facility that has trouble cleaning the trolley between patient uses I would also have serious questions about the appropriate cleaning of overways before procedures! That would not be a suitable solution, in my view.
I do think this question raises questions about accreditation processes in regard to infection control in aged care facilities, though.
MichaelMichael Wishart
CNC Infection Control
Holy Spirit Northside Private Hospital
627 Rode Road, Chermside, Qld 4032
t: (07) 3326 3068 | f: (07) 3326 3523
e: Michael.Wishart@hsn.org.au
Please consider the environment before printing this emailHi All,
It has been suggested to me that dressing trolleys should not be used in aged care facilities as this reduces the homely nature of the facility and can put the facility at risk in relation to their accreditation. Instead the facility wants to use the bedside table or bed to lay out the sterile field. I have a number of concerns about this, both from an OH&S and infection prevention point of view. Has anyone else come across this argument before?
Cheers MattMatt Mason
RN, BNSci, Grad Dip (Remote Health), M Rural Health, M Adv Prac (Inf Cont), CICPLecturer/Campus Co-ordinator
School of Nursing, Midwifery & Nutrition
James Cook University
Thursday Island
Qld, 4875
AustraliaP: (07) 4069 2670
I: +61 7 4069 2670
F: (07) 4069 2627
E: matt.mason@jcu.edu.au
W: http://www.jcu.edu.au/nursing/JCU CRICOS Provider Code: 00117J
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01/11/2012 at 11:41 am #69502Michelle Cook
Michelle CookEmail:
Hi all
I work in an aged care facility
The issue I used to have with the dressing trolleys was staff kept stock on them all the time especially in draws despite education and constant removal of these items and , thus not cleaned between usage.
I overcame this issue by getting smaller trolleys X1 per unit with no draws
The trolley is kept in clinical room when not in use
And staff clean the trolley prior and post use with neutral detergent
(another issue as some staff wanted etoh for cleaning)
It has not been an issue for accreditation – when asked about these trolleys staff know what the correct procedure is.
Michelle Cook
Infection Control/Staff Health
Garrawarra Centre
Ph 02 8545 4602
please consider the environment before printing this e-mailHi All,
It has been suggested to me that dressing trolleys should not be used in aged care facilities as this reduces the homely nature of the facility and can put the facility at risk in relation to their accreditation. Instead the facility wants to use the bedside table or bed to lay out the sterile field. I have a number of concerns about this, both from an OH&S and infection prevention point of view. Has anyone else come across this argument before?
Cheers MattMatt Mason
RN, BNSci, Grad Dip (Remote Health), M Rural Health, M Adv Prac (Inf Cont), CICPLecturer/Campus Co-ordinator
School of Nursing, Midwifery & Nutrition
James Cook University
Thursday Island
Qld, 4875
AustraliaP: (07) 4069 2670
I: +61 7 4069 2670
F: (07) 4069 2627
E: matt.mason@jcu.edu.au
W: http://www.jcu.edu.au/nursing/JCU CRICOS Provider Code: 00117J
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01/11/2012 at 1:53 pm #69503Michelle, the process you have outlined is exactly what should be happening. It is so common to see overstocked dressing trolleys being wheeled from room to room in a RACF and of course, this is an infection risk. For some reason many RACFs seem to think there is a different standard required to any other health facility. Some of the reason for that is the issue highlighted by Matt.trying to maintain a homelike environment. The line between best infection control practice is being blurred.sometimes by people who dont have the IC focus we have. It can be most frustrating.
Kind Regards
Judy Forrest
RN,CIC (Syd Hosp), Grad Cert. (Communicable Diseases), FCN
Managing Director
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From: ACIPC Infexion Connexion [mailto:AICALIST@AICALIST.ORG.AU] On Behalf Of Michelle Cook
Sent: Thursday, 1 November 2012 1:42 PM
Subject: Re: Dressing Trolleys in Aged Care FacilitiesHi all
I work in an aged care facility
The issue I used to have with the dressing trolleys was staff kept stock on them all the time especially in draws despite education and constant removal of these items and , thus not cleaned between usage.
I overcame this issue by getting smaller trolleys X1 per unit with no draws
The trolley is kept in clinical room when not in use
And staff clean the trolley prior and post use with neutral detergent
(another issue as some staff wanted etoh for cleaning)
It has not been an issue for accreditation when asked about these trolleys staff know what the correct procedure is.
Michelle Cook
Infection Control/Staff Health
Garrawarra Centre
Ph 02 8545 4602
Email: michelleann.cook@sesiahs.health.nsw.gov.au
please consider the environment before printing this e-mailFrom: ACIPC Infexion Connexion [mailto:AICALIST@AICALIST.ORG.AU] On Behalf Of Mason, Matt
Sent: Thursday, 1 November 2012 10:29 AM
Subject: Dressing Trolleys in Aged Care FacilitiesHi All,
It has been suggested to me that dressing trolleys should not be used in aged care facilities as this reduces the homely nature of the facility and can put the facility at risk in relation to their accreditation. Instead the facility wants to use the bedside table or bed to lay out the sterile field. I have a number of concerns about this, both from an OH&S and infection prevention point of view. Has anyone else come across this argument before?
Cheers MattMatt Mason
RN, BNSci, Grad Dip (Remote Health), M Rural Health, M Adv Prac (Inf Cont), CICPLecturer/Campus Co-ordinator
School of Nursing, Midwifery & Nutrition
James Cook University
Thursday Island
Qld, 4875
AustraliaP: (07) 4069 2670
I: +61 7 4069 2670
F: (07) 4069 2627
E: matt.mason@jcu.edu.au
W: http://www.jcu.edu.au/nursing/JCU CRICOS Provider Code: 00117J
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01/11/2012 at 2:28 pm #69504Hi Matt a couple of our Aged Care Facilities have just had their accreditation within the last 2 months and nothing was mentioned about the trolleys, we have dressing trolleys, IV trolleys, Medication trolleys, trachy trolleys, catheter trolleys, etc . The accreditors didnt have any issues with infection control related things. I think they were more than happy that we had set up practices to ensure everything was clean, stocked and audited. They all have detergent wipes and ABHR on them too and we actually did an ABHR audit yesterday and the areas have it on all of their trolleys. The trolleys are not kept in the clients rooms (except for the ventilator ward, which isnt Aged CAre anyway), they are generally in the medication room or store room or clean rooms.
Jodie Burr$B!!(BInfection Prevention and Control-Clinical Practice Consultant
Disability and Domiciliary Care Services
Department for Communities and Social Inclusion
103 Fisher Street, Fullarton 5063Ph:$B!!(B $B!!(B08 8372 1421
Fax:$B!!(B 08 8372$B!!(B1491
Infection Control intranet Site: http://one.dfc.sa.gov.au/disability/infectioncontrol/Pages/default.aspxHi All,
It has been suggested to me that dressing trolleys should not be used in aged care facilities as this reduces the homely nature of the facility and can put the facility at risk in relation to their accreditation. Instead the facility wants to use the bedside table or bed to lay out the sterile field. I have a number of concerns about this, both from an OH&S and infection prevention point of view. Has anyone else come across this argument before?
Cheers MattMatt Mason
RN, BNSci, Grad Dip (Remote Health), M Rural Health, M Adv Prac (Inf Cont), CICPLecturer/Campus Co-ordinator
School of Nursing, Midwifery & Nutrition
James Cook University
Thursday Island
Qld, 4875
AustraliaP: (07) 4069 2670
I: +61 7 4069 2670
F: (07) 4069 2627
E: matt.mason@jcu.edu.au
W: http://www.jcu.edu.au/nursing/JCU CRICOS Provider Code: 00117J
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13/11/2012 at 1:27 pm #69539Dear All,
In HONG KONG, we are also preparing for hospital accreditation program by following the AUS standards.
As regards the disinfection of dressing trolleys practices, the auditors do not allow us using alcohol solution to disinfect it. However, it seems relevant requirement is not available in the accreditation manual. Hence, we would like to know the prevailing practices for disinfection of dressing trolley in Aus.
Sony SO
Nursing Officer, Infection Control Team
Kwong Wah Hospital
Tel:+ 852 3517-2409 Fax: +852 2332-3348 email:sony@ha.org.hk
Please consider the environment before printing this e-mailHi Matt
We use a procedure trolley for dressings in our residential aged care facilities. The trolleys are stored in the treatment room, cleaned and set up for a procedure as needed. The registered nurse usually does the procedures in the Drs room.
We completed our accreditation earlier this year with no issues highlighted regarding this practice.
Kind regardsLiza Smith
Infection Control Consultant
Kingston Centre
Monash Medical Centre
liza.smith@southernhealth.org.auHi Matt,
I find this quite odd. We use procedure trolleys with sharps containers and ABHR attached in our residential aged care facilities. These procedure trolleys are stored in utility rooms when not in use. They are not stored in the resident’s rooms. This has never been raised at accreditation as being an issue. Indeed I would have concerns if the facility did not use procedure trolleys.Kind regards.
John Greenough | Infection Control Consultant
St Vincent’s | 41 Victoria Parade Fitzroy VIC 3065
t: +61 3 9288 4704 | f: +61 3 9288 4068 | http://www.svhm.org.au[cid:image001.jpg@01CDB81C.D72E6730]
Hi All,
It has been suggested to me that dressing trolleys should not be used in aged care facilities as this reduces the homely nature of the facility and can put the facility at risk in relation to their accreditation. Instead the facility wants to use the bedside table or bed to lay out the sterile field. I have a number of concerns about this, both from an OH&S and infection prevention point of view. Has anyone else come across this argument before?
Cheers MattMatt Mason
RN, BNSci, Grad Dip (Remote Health), M Rural Health, M Adv Prac (Inf Cont), CICPLecturer/Campus Co-ordinator
School of Nursing, Midwifery & Nutrition
James Cook University
Thursday Island
Qld, 4875
AustraliaP: (07) 4069 2670
I: +61 7 4069 2670
F: (07) 4069 2627
E: matt.mason@jcu.edu.au
W: http://www.jcu.edu.au/nursing/JCU CRICOS Provider Code: 00117J
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13/11/2012 at 4:11 pm #69540Sony aged care facilities that I visit use detergent to clean dressing trolleys before and after each use.
Kind Regards
Judy Forrest
RN,CIC (Syd Hosp), Grad Cert. (Communicable Diseases), FCN
Managing Director
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Bug Control (Aust) Pty Ltd
Infection Control Advisory Service
PO Box 406 GORDON NSW 2072 AustraliaBug Control New Zealand Ltd
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Dear All,
In HONG KONG, we are also preparing for hospital accreditation program by following the AUS standards.
As regards the disinfection of dressing trolleys practices, the auditors do not allow us using alcohol solution to disinfect it. However, it seems relevant requirement is not available in the accreditation manual. Hence, we would like to know the prevailing practices for disinfection of dressing trolley in Aus.
Sony SO
Nursing Officer, Infection Control Team
Kwong Wah Hospital
Tel:+ 852 3517-2409 Fax: +852 2332-3348 email:sony@ha.org.hk
Please consider the environment before printing this e-mailHi Matt
We use a procedure trolley for dressings in our residential aged care facilities. The trolleys are stored in the treatment room, cleaned and set up for a procedure as needed. The registered nurse usually does the procedures in the Drs room.
We completed our accreditation earlier this year with no issues highlighted regarding this practice.
Kind regardsLiza Smith
Infection Control Consultant
Kingston Centre
Monash Medical Centre
liza.smith@southernhealth.org.auHi Matt,
I find this quite odd. We use procedure trolleys with sharps containers and ABHR attached in our residential aged care facilities. These procedure trolleys are stored in utility rooms when not in use. They are not stored in the resident’s rooms. This has never been raised at accreditation as being an issue. Indeed I would have concerns if the facility did not use procedure trolleys.Kind regards.
John Greenough | Infection Control Consultant
St Vincent’s | 41 Victoria Parade Fitzroy VIC 3065
t: +61 3 9288 4704 | f: +61 3 9288 4068 | http://www.svhm.org.au[Description: Signature_final.JPG]
Hi All,
It has been suggested to me that dressing trolleys should not be used in aged care facilities as this reduces the homely nature of the facility and can put the facility at risk in relation to their accreditation. Instead the facility wants to use the bedside table or bed to lay out the sterile field. I have a number of concerns about this, both from an OH&S and infection prevention point of view. Has anyone else come across this argument before?
Cheers MattMatt Mason
RN, BNSci, Grad Dip (Remote Health), M Rural Health, M Adv Prac (Inf Cont), CICPLecturer/Campus Co-ordinator
School of Nursing, Midwifery & Nutrition
James Cook University
Thursday Island
Qld, 4875
AustraliaP: (07) 4069 2670
I: +61 7 4069 2670
F: (07) 4069 2627
E: matt.mason@jcu.edu.au
W: http://www.jcu.edu.au/nursing/JCU CRICOS Provider Code: 00117J
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13/11/2012 at 10:07 pm #69541zutt02@bigpond.com
Hi Matt,
What constitutes a home like environment?
Have the people who suggested “that dressing trolleys should not be used in aged care facilities as this reduces the homely nature of the facility” ever cared for an ageing relative
with care needs at home?
Lavina L’Hotellier
Orbost Regional Health
ph- 03 51546777Sony aged care facilities that I visit use detergent to clean dressing trolleys before and after each use.
Kind Regards
Judy Forrest
RN,CIC (Syd Hosp), Grad Cert. (Communicable Diseases), FCN
Managing Director
Bug Control (Aust) Pty Ltd
Infection Control Advisory Service
PO Box 406 GORDON NSW 2072 AustraliaBug Control New Zealand Ltd
Infection Control Advisory ServicePO Box 42024 Tower Junction CHRISTCHURCH New Zealand
Providing Comprehensive Infection Prevention and Control Service for Healthcare, Emergency Services, Residential Care, Children’s Services, Cleaning, Catering and Laundry Services
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Dear All,
In HONG KONG, we are also preparing for hospital accreditation program by following the AUS standards.
As regards the disinfection of dressing trolleys practices, the auditors do not allow us using alcohol solution to disinfect it. However, it seems relevant requirement is not available in the accreditation manual. Hence, we would like to know the prevailing practices for disinfection of dressing trolley in Aus.
Sony SO
Nursing Officer, Infection Control Team
Kwong Wah Hospital
Tel:+ 852 3517-2409 Fax: +852 2332-3348 email:sony@ha.org.hk
Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail
Hi Matt
We use a procedure trolley for dressings in our residential aged care facilities. The trolleys are stored in the treatment room, cleaned and set up for a procedure as needed. The registered nurse usually does the procedures in the Drs room.
We completed our accreditation earlier this year with no issues highlighted regarding this practice.
Kind regards
Liza Smith
Infection Control Consultant
Kingston Centre
Monash Medical Centre
Hi Matt,
I find this quite odd. We use procedure trolleys with sharps containers and ABHR attached in our residential aged care facilities. These procedure trolleys are stored in utility rooms when not in use. They are not stored in the resident’s rooms. This has never been raised at accreditation as being an issue. Indeed I would have concerns if the facility did not use procedure trolleys.
Kind regards.
John Greenough | Infection Control Consultant
St Vincent’s | 41 Victoria Parade Fitzroy VIC 3065
t: +61 3 9288 4704 | f: +61 3 9288 4068 | http://www.svhm.org.au
Hi All,
It has been suggested to me that dressing trolleys should not be used in aged care facilities as this reduces the homely nature of the facility and can put the facility at risk in relation to their accreditation. Instead the facility wants to use the bedside table or bed to lay out the sterile field. I have a number of concerns about this, both from an OH&S and infection prevention point of view. Has anyone else come across this argument before?
Cheers Matt
Matt Mason
RN, BNSci, Grad Dip (Remote Health), M Rural Health, M Adv Prac (Inf Cont), CICP
Lecturer/Campus Co-ordinator
School of Nursing, Midwifery & Nutrition
James Cook University
Thursday Island
Qld, 4875
P: (07) 4069 2670
I: +61 7 4069 2670
F: (07) 4069 2627
W: http://www.jcu.edu.au/nursing/
JCU CRICOS Provider Code: 00117J
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