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Disposable Patient curtains

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  • #68333
    Angela Conte

    Angela Conte




    Dear All,

    Does anyone use disposable antimicrobial patient curtains or disposable
    shower curtains?

    If so, has the product met expectations?

    Is there any information available re: cost, recycling, infection
    control benefits?


    Angela Conte

    Infection Control

    Balmain Hospital

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    Wishart, Michael

    Wishart, Michael




    [Posted on behalf of Joanna Harris – Moderator]

    I’m looking forward to members’ responses to this one.
    We had a very brief look at these last year – for our ICU – after the manager lost his cool when half of his very expensive newly purchased curtains got lost in the laundry, and the others came back looking dreadful because the fabric cannot go through our laundry’s ironing machine…………..
    These curtains are very widely used in the UK nowadays, and look very smart. They also have the advantage of a place to write the date so you can tell when curtains were last changed (in the UK there are guidelines to tell people how often they should be changed according to the risk category of the setting).
    I’m thinking they must be a lot cheaper over there though (a bigger market perhaps) as our senior exec just wouldn’t bear the cost of approx $50-$60 each.


    Joanna Harris
    Nurse Manager, Infection Management and Control Service (IMACS)

    Level 1, Lawson House
    The Wollongong Hospital
    LMB 8808
    SCMC NSW 2521

    Dear All,

    Does anyone use disposable antimicrobial patient curtains or disposable shower curtains?

    If so, has the product met expectations?

    Is there any information available re: cost, recycling, infection control benefits?

    Angela Conte
    Infection Control
    Balmain Hospital

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    Antony Shannon

    Antony Shannon




    We here in Dunedin are trialing a full set for 1 year in our ICU as per
    the manufacturers instructions. We are using the antimicrobial
    inpregnated ones, which here in NZ cost between $55 – $80 a set. However
    I have managed to locate some othere, imported from the UK as all of
    them seem to be these days, which are significantly cheaper but do not
    have the antimicrobial coating. As yet we are not trialling them.
    So far there has been a positive respons eto them, apart from the need
    to make sure you have a the correct track fitting, we didn’t, and hence
    they come off of our tracks a little bit more frequently then expected.
    They do ‘sponge’ clean to remove small markings/stainings. They provide
    excellent shielding between patients (we have an open barn style ICU),
    look attractive -we went with the deep blue, and give some noise
    deadening ability as well.
    I hope that is of some use.


    Antony M Shannon | CNS | Infection Prevention & Control – Dunedin | Te
    Tari Arai me te Pupuri Uruta – Otopoti | Southern DHB
    Private Bag 1921, Dunedin 9054, New Zealand | office: 03 474 0999 |
    mob: 027 600 4869 | fax: 03 470 3876 |


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    Glenys Harrington

    Glenys Harrington


    Infection Control Consultancy (ICC)


    Hi All,

    This posting raises the question why are we looking at antimicrobial patient
    curtains/shower curtains at all?

    I’m not aware of any evidence that such items have been identified as source
    of HAIs or show to reduce HAIs?

    If this is a cost saving initiative (i.e. the cost of disposal is less than
    laundering/dry-cleaning non disposable items) then this is an issue for the
    supply manager.

    Perhaps we as infection control should be asking for the evidence to support
    their use over routine laundering practices?



    Glenys Harrington


    Infection Control Consultancy (ICC)

    PO Box 5202

    Middle Park

    Victoria, 3206


    H: +61 3 96902216

    M: +61 404 816 434

    Angela Conte

    Dear All,

    Does anyone use disposable antimicrobial patient curtains or disposable
    shower curtains?

    If so, has the product met expectations?

    Is there any information available re: cost, recycling, infection control


    Angela Conte

    Infection Control

    Balmain Hospital

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    RUSSO, Philip

    RUSSO, Philip




    I concur with Glenys’ comments. Good infection prevention practices and
    hand hygiene will prevent any transfer of pathogens to patients.

    Phil Russo, M.Clin.Epid
    Hand Hygiene Australia
    National Project Manager
    P: +61 3 9496 3587 | M: +61 411 659 486 |F: +61 3 9496 6677 |E:
    Hand Hygiene Australia, c/- Austin Health Infectious Diseases Dept. PO
    5555 Heidelberg, VIC, Australia 3084


    Behalf Of Glenys Harrington

    Hi All,

    This posting raises the question why are we looking at antimicrobial
    patient curtains/shower curtains at all?

    I’m not aware of any evidence that such items have been identified as
    source of HAIs or show to reduce HAIs?

    If this is a cost saving initiative (i.e. the cost of disposal is less
    than laundering/dry-cleaning non disposable items) then this is an issue
    for the supply manager.

    Perhaps we as infection control should be asking for the evidence to
    support their use over routine laundering practices?



    Glenys Harrington


    Infection Control Consultancy (ICC)

    PO Box 5202

    Middle Park

    Victoria, 3206


    H: +61 3 96902216

    M: +61 404 816 434

    Behalf Of Angela Conte

    Dear All,

    Does anyone use disposable antimicrobial patient curtains or disposable
    shower curtains?

    If so, has the product met expectations?

    Is there any information available re: cost, recycling, infection
    control benefits?


    Angela Conte

    Infection Control

    Balmain Hospital

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