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Discussion Paper – Development of a new Act to regulate private hospitals and day procedure centres (Victoria)

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  • #69933
    Michael Wishart

    Michael Wishart




    [Posted on behalf of ACIPC Secretariat Moderator]

    —–Original Message—–
    Sent: Friday, 12 April 2013 11:32 AM
    Subject: Discussion Paper – Development of a new Act to regulate private hospitals and day procedure centres

    Dear Stakeholder

    As you are aware the Department of Health is developing a new Act to regulate private hospitals and day procedure centres. The department has
    today released a discussion paper seeking submissions prior to the drafting of the new Act.

    The department is consulting as widely as possible in the expectation that it will lead to better and more informed decision making and the development
    of an Act that will serve the community and the sector well for the next 20 years.
    The aim is to have a regulatory framework that addresses matters that require regulation from a patient safety and community expectation
    standpoint, but does not impose unnecessary compliance burdens on the sector nor impede innovation in service development and delivery.

    This discussion paper invites all stakeholders, including the private healthcare sector and the wider community, to provide a response to the
    questions and comment on the proposals suggested. Written submissions are invited addressing (but not limited to) the issues and questions raised in
    the discussion paper.

    The discussion paper can be accessed at:
    Hard copies of the discussion paper are available on request.

    The closing date for submissions is 15 May 2013

    Submission should be emailed to

    or posted to:
    The Manager
    Private Health Services Regulation Unit
    Health Regulation and Reform
    Department of Health
    GPO Box 4541
    Melbourne VIC 3001

    Please contact me on 9096 9990 if you have any questions regarding the paper
    or review process.

    Yours Sincerely

    Victor Di Paola
    Manager Private Health Services Regulation Unit | Health Regulation and Reform
    Department of Health | 50 Lonsdale Street, Melbourne, Victoria, 3000
    p. 03 9096 9990 | f. 03 9096 7766

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