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Development of a staff gap analysis tool for IP&C

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  • #68698
    Turnbull, Karen P

    Turnbull, Karen P




    Dear All,

    I am starting the development of a survey tool for a ‘primary health
    care worker training needs assessment’ – covering district hospital,
    long term care & community settings + both nurses & carers. I know that
    sounds rather broad but it may yet be segmented into different settings
    and HCW groups as it evolves…

    It seems that most IC assessment or audit tools I can find focus on
    system characteristics such as reporting and governance, rather than
    what I’m attempting as a ground level educator, looking at the current
    knowledge base & competencies of the workforce and figuring out what
    needs addressing the most urgently, for which groups and where they are
    – all on a local level.

    I have taken my inspiration from Bush Knapp, et al.’s description of
    their approach using both directed and scenario based questions to
    elicit underpinning knowledge. I’m not aware of any further work
    following this pilot study, and have submitted an info request to the
    contact email provided.

    All ideas gratefully received,

    Ref – Bush Knapp, M, McIntyre, R, Sinkowitz-Cochran, R, Pearson, M 2008,
    ‘Assessment of healthcare personnel needs for training in infection
    control: One size does not fit all’, American Journal of Infection
    Control, 36(10):757-760

    Many Thanks,

    Karen Turnbull

    Clinical Nurse Educator

    Infection Prevention & Control

    Level 2, Launceston General Hospital

    Charles Street 7250

    Want to Get Healthy?

    The Tasmania Government’s Get Healthy Information and Coaching Service provides free information and coaching support to Tasmanian adults who would like to learn healthier eating habits, be more active or achieve and maintain a healthy weight. Call 1300 806 258 between 8am and 8pm, Monday to Friday or visit for more information.


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    Hobbs, Louise

    Hobbs, Louise




    Hi Karen
    You many find this article of interest;
    Infection prevention and control competencies for hospital-based health
    care personnel. AJIC: American Journal of Infection Control
    Volume 36, Issue 10
    Pages 691-701, December 2008


    Louise Hobbs
    Infection Prevention and Surveillance Service
    Melbourne Health
    Telephone 934 28325
    Fax. 934 28484


    Behalf Of Turnbull, Karen P
    tool for IP&C

    Dear All,

    I am starting the development of a survey tool for a ‘primary health
    care worker training needs assessment’ – covering district hospital,
    long term care & community settings + both nurses & carers. I know that
    sounds rather broad but it may yet be segmented into different settings
    and HCW groups as it evolves…

    It seems that most IC assessment or audit tools I can find focus on
    system characteristics such as reporting and governance, rather than
    what I’m attempting as a ground level educator, looking at the current
    knowledge base & competencies of the workforce and figuring out what
    needs addressing the most urgently, for which groups and where they are
    – all on a local level.

    I have taken my inspiration from Bush Knapp, et al.’s description of
    their approach using both directed and scenario based questions to
    elicit underpinning knowledge. I’m not aware of any further work
    following this pilot study, and have submitted an info request to the
    contact email provided.

    All ideas gratefully received,

    Ref – Bush Knapp, M, McIntyre, R, Sinkowitz-Cochran, R, Pearson, M 2008,
    ‘Assessment of healthcare personnel needs for training in infection
    control: One size does not fit all’, American Journal of Infection
    Control, 36(10):757-760

    Many Thanks,

    Karen Turnbull

    Clinical Nurse Educator

    Infection Prevention & Control

    Level 2, Launceston General Hospital

    Charles Street 7250

    Want to Get Healthy?

    The Tasmanian Government’s Get Healthy Information and Coaching Service
    provides free information and coaching support to Tasmanian adults who
    would like to learn healthier eating habits, be more active or achieve
    and maintain a healthy weight. Call 1300 806 258 between 8am and 8pm,
    Monday to Friday or visit for more


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    Jane Barnett

    Jane Barnett





    Have a look also at the UK competency framework which is published in J
    of Infection Prevention, vol 12, 2, 67-90 (Burnett E)

    There is also a similar document based on NZ Nursing Council framework
    available if this is useful.

    Jane Barnett

    Clinical Nurse Specialist

    Infection Prevention & Control

    Christchurch Women’s Hospital

    Private Bag 4711, Christchurch

    Infection Prevention and Control is Everyone’s Business


    Behalf Of Hobbs, Louise
    analysis tool for IP&C

    Hi Karen

    You many find this article of interest;

    Infection prevention and control competencies for hospital-based health
    care personnel. AJIC: American Journal of Infection Control
    Volume 36, Issue 10
    Pages 691-701, December 2008


    Louise Hobbs
    Infection Prevention and Surveillance Service
    Melbourne Health
    Telephone 934 28325
    Fax. 934 28484


    Behalf Of Turnbull, Karen P
    tool for IP&C

    Dear All,

    I am starting the development of a survey tool for a ‘primary health
    care worker training needs assessment’ – covering district hospital,
    long term care & community settings + both nurses & carers. I know that
    sounds rather broad but it may yet be segmented into different settings
    and HCW groups as it evolves…

    It seems that most IC assessment or audit tools I can find focus on
    system characteristics such as reporting and governance, rather than
    what I’m attempting as a ground level educator, looking at the current
    knowledge base & competencies of the workforce and figuring out what
    needs addressing the most urgently, for which groups and where they are
    – all on a local level.

    I have taken my inspiration from Bush Knapp, et al.’s description of
    their approach using both directed and scenario based questions to
    elicit underpinning knowledge. I’m not aware of any further work
    following this pilot study, and have submitted an info request to the
    contact email provided.

    All ideas gratefully received,

    Ref – Bush Knapp, M, McIntyre, R, Sinkowitz-Cochran, R, Pearson, M 2008,
    ‘Assessment of healthcare personnel needs for training in infection
    control: One size does not fit all’, American Journal of Infection
    Control, 36(10):757-760

    Many Thanks,

    Karen Turnbull

    Clinical Nurse Educator

    Infection Prevention & Control

    Level 2, Launceston General Hospital

    Charles Street 7250

    Want to Get Healthy?

    The Tasmanian Government’s Get Healthy Information and Coaching Service
    provides free information and coaching support to Tasmanian adults who
    would like to learn healthier eating habits, be more active or achieve
    and maintain a healthy weight. Call 1300 806 258 between 8am and 8pm,
    Monday to Friday or visit for more


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    Northern/Melbourne/Western Health e-mail network. The sender cannot be
    validated. Caution is advised. Contact IT Services (+61 3 ) 9342 8888
    for more information.

    Messages posted to this list are solely the opinion of the authors, and
    do not represent the opinion of AICA.

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    Sue.Greig@HEALTH.GOV.AU Subject: Re: Development of a staff gap analysis tool for IP&C [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] In-Reply-To:

    Sue.Greig@HEALTH.GOV.AU Subject: Re: Development of a staff gap analysis tool for IP&C [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] In-Reply-To:




    Hi Karen,

    You may find the OSSIE tool kit available
    on the ACSQHC website a resource as well as the OSSIE guide for Primary



    Sue Greig

    Senior Project

    Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care

    GPO Box 5480
    Sydney NSW 2001 | Level 7, 1 Oxford Street, Darlinghurst NSW 2010

    direct (02) 9126 3565 |
    switchboard (02) 9126 3600 |
    (02) 9126 3613 |



    "Turnbull, Karen P"

    Sent by: AICA Infexion Connexion <AICALIST@AICALIST.ORG.AU>

    31/07/2011 03:25 PM

    Please respond to
    AICA Infexion Connexion <AICALIST@AICALIST.ORG.AU>


    Development of a staff gap analysis
    tool for IP&C  [SEC=No Protective Marking]

    Dear All,


    I am starting the development of a survey
    tool for a primary health care worker training needs assessment
    covering district hospital, long term care & community settings + both
    nurses & carers. I know that sounds rather broad but it may yet be
    segmented into different settings and HCW groups as it evolves


    It seems that most IC assessment or audit
    tools I can find focus on system characteristics such as reporting and
    governance, rather than what Im attempting as a ground level educator,
    looking at the current knowledge base & competencies of the workforce
    and figuring out what needs addressing the most urgently, for which groups
    and where they are all on a local level.


    I have taken my
    inspiration from
    Knapp, et al.s description of their approach using both directed and
    scenario based questions to elicit underpinning knowledge
    Im not aware of any further work following this pilot study, and have
    submitted an info request to the contact email provided.


    All ideas gratefully received,


    Ref – Bush Knapp, M, McIntyre, R, Sinkowitz-Cochran,
    R, Pearson, M 2008, ‘Assessment of healthcare personnel needs for training
    in infection control: One size does not fit all’, American Journal of
    Infection Control
    , 36(10):757-760


    Many Thanks,


    Karen Turnbull

    Clinical Nurse Educator

    Infection Prevention
    & Control

    Level 2, Launceston
    General Hospital

    Charles Street  7250

    Ph:      6348 7715

    Mob:   0407 308 178

    Fax:    6348 7695


    Want to Get Healthy?

    The Tasmanian Government’s Get Healthy Information and
    Coaching Service provides free information and coaching support to Tasmanian
    adults who would like to learn healthier eating habits, be more active
    or achieve and maintain a healthy weight. Call 1300 806 258 between 8am
    and 8pm, Monday to Friday or visit for more information."


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    Messages posted to this list are solely the opinion of the authors, and do not represent the opinion of AICA.

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    Turnbull, Karen P

    Turnbull, Karen P




    Thanks Sue,

    Coincidentally I spent the day with Annie and Saffron from TIPCU
    yesterday and we used the OSSIE with our liaison program participants –
    which reminded me just how useful it is!


    Karen Turnbull

    Clinical Nurse Educator

    Infection Prevention & Control

    Level 2, Launceston General Hospital

    Charles Street 7250


    Behalf Of Sue.Greig@HEALTH.GOV.AU
    analysis tool for IP&C [SECUNCLASSIFIED]

    Hi Karen,
    You may find the OSSIE tool kit available on the ACSQHC website a
    resource as well as the OSSIE guide for Primary Care.


    Sue Greig
    Senior Project Officer
    Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care
    GPO Box 5480 Sydney NSW 2001 | Level 7, 1 Oxford Street, Darlinghurst
    NSW 2010
    ( direct (02) 9126 3565 | ( switchboard (02) 9126 3600 | 6 (02) 9126
    3613 |

    “Turnbull, Karen P”
    Sent by: AICA Infexion Connexion

    31/07/2011 03:25 PM

    Please respond to
    AICA Infexion Connexion





    Development of a staff gap analysis tool for IP&C [SECNo Protective

    Dear All,

    I am starting the development of a survey tool for a ‘primary health
    care worker training needs assessment’ – covering district hospital,
    long term care & community settings + both nurses & carers. I know that
    sounds rather broad but it may yet be segmented into different settings
    and HCW groups as it evolves…

    It seems that most IC assessment or audit tools I can find focus on
    system characteristics such as reporting and governance, rather than
    what I’m attempting as a ground level educator, looking at the current
    knowledge base & competencies of the workforce and figuring out what
    needs addressing the most urgently, for which groups and where they are
    – all on a local level.

    I have taken my inspiration from Bush Knapp, et al.’s description of
    their approach using both directed and scenario based questions to
    elicit underpinning knowledge. I’m not aware of any further work
    following this pilot study, and have submitted an info request to the
    contact email provided.

    All ideas gratefully received,

    Ref – Bush Knapp, M, McIntyre, R, Sinkowitz-Cochran, R, Pearson, M 2008,
    ‘Assessment of healthcare personnel needs for training in infection
    control: One size does not fit all’, American Journal of Infection
    Control, 36(10):757-760

    Many Thanks,

    Karen Turnbull
    Clinical Nurse Educator
    Infection Prevention & Control
    Level 2, Launceston General Hospital
    Charles Street 7250

    Want to Get Healthy?

    The Tasmanian Government’s Get Healthy Information and Coaching Service
    provides free information and coaching support to Tasmanian adults who
    would like to learn healthier eating habits, be more active or achieve
    and maintain a healthy weight. Call 1300 806 258 between 8am and 8pm,
    Monday to Friday or visit for more


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    Want to Get Healthy?

    The Tasmania Government’s Get Healthy Information and Coaching Service provides free information and coaching support to Tasmanian adults who would like to learn healthier eating habits, be more active or achieve and maintain a healthy weight. Call 1300 806 258 between 8am and 8pm, Monday to Friday or visit for more information.


    The information in this transmission may be confidential and/or protected by legal professional privilege, and is intended only for the person or persons to whom it is addressed. If you are not such a person, you are warned that any disclosure, copying or dissemination of the information is unauthorised. If you have received the transmission in error, please immediately contact this office by telephone, fax or email, to inform us of the error and to enable arrangements to be made for the destruction of the transmission, or its return at our cost. No liability is accepted for any unauthorised use of the information contained in this transmission. If the transmission contains advice, the advice is based on instructions in relation to, and is provided to the addressee in connection with, the matter mentioned above. Responsibility is not accepted for reliance upon it by any other person or for any other purpose.

    Messages posted to this list are solely the opinion of the authors, and do not represent the opinion of AICA.

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