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Cyclosporin and low sorbing tubing

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  • #70318
    Claire Rickard

    Claire Rickard




    HI Big Brains

    I know this is a bit off topic, but can anyone please help me on this? It
    is driving us nuts here.

    1. Where can one see the DATA on WHY we use low sorbing infusion tubing for
    cyclosporin infusion? (I know the theory, just would like to see the proof
    :o)) How does absorption vary with dose, rate, time etc?

    2. We want to extend use of this tubing for a week instead of 4 days (This
    would bring it in line with the other infusions).

    A colleague believes that the low sorbing tubing would no longer work after
    X number of days (in this case 4), and therefore if we extend it, the
    tubing may no longer present absorption.

    Yes we have asked the Drug Information Dept and they could not provide any
    data on this.

    Thinking of running some tests ourselves with a friendly biochemist if we
    can’t get a better answer!

    Best regards, Claire

    *Professor Claire Rickard RN PhD* | +61 7 3735 6460 | Skype: clairexm1 | Twitter:
    IVAD_Research |

    Intravascular Access Device Research Group | NHMRC Centre of Research
    Excellence in Nursing Interventions | Griffith Health Institute | Visiting
    Prince Charles Hospital

    Research frequently takes me off campus. Please contact Jenny Chan 3735
    5406 ** or 3735 4886 with any urgent enquiries.

    *It’s nice to be important, but it’s more important to be nice. John Cassis.

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    Roel Castillo

    Roel Castillo




    Hi Prof

    Apologies, I don’t have a big brain. I believe it is more on the IFU (instructions for use). The device limitations/functionality are not stipulated but clearly exceeding recommended usage would be a legal liability when things go wrong. As we all know, tests were done ( in vitro) in company labs, as a requisite to TGA or FDA approval, the irony that continues to be a challenge to the clinical setting (as they are never tested in real working environment). With all due respect, it is sensible to follow device manufacturer’s IFU, the information being available to end user, covers their part of liability. The important aspect of it is obviously patient safety, for a few dollars more.

    Always happy to know the results of your tests if it proves the manufacturer’s claim or otherwise.


    Roel Castillo
    Project Officer SSD
    [The Chris O`Brien Lifehouse at RPA]
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    HI Big Brains

    I know this is a bit off topic, but can anyone please help me on this? It is driving us nuts here.

    1. Where can one see the DATA on WHY we use low sorbing infusion tubing for cyclosporin infusion? (I know the theory, just would like to see the proof :o)) How does absorption vary with dose, rate, time etc?

    2. We want to extend use of this tubing for a week instead of 4 days (This would bring it in line with the other infusions).

    A colleague believes that the low sorbing tubing would no longer work after X number of days (in this case 4), and therefore if we extend it, the tubing may no longer present absorption.

    Yes we have asked the Drug Information Dept and they could not provide any data on this.

    Thinking of running some tests ourselves with a friendly biochemist if we can’t get a better answer!

    Best regards, Claire

    Professor Claire Rickard RN PhD | +61 7 3735 6460 | Skype: clairexm1 | Twitter: IVAD_Research |

    Intravascular Access Device Research Group | NHMRC Centre of Research Excellence in Nursing Interventions | Griffith Health Institute | Visiting Scholar: Royal Brisbane & Women’s Hospital | Princess Alexandra Hospital | The Prince Charles Hospital

    Research frequently takes me off campus. Please contact Jenny Chan 3735 5406 or 3735 4886 with any urgent enquiries.

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