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Consumption of food stuff in ward areas

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  • #69163
    Breen, Jennifer (MH)

    Breen, Jennifer (MH)




    Hi All,
    We are having some issues with staff consuming food in their ward area, particularly at the staff base and in the corridors. We have located articles about transmission of Hepatitis A but are hoping to source articles to provide further evidence . Our current hospital guidelines are fairly general in this area and pertain more to an outbreak of gastro .

    Kind Regards

    Jenny Breen
    Clinical Nurse Consultant
    Infection Control
    Maroondah Hospital
    Tel: 98713175 Pager 0111

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    Helen Scott

    Helen Scott




    Has anyone got anymore information on this please? I’d like to provide evidence and documentation to follow up my concerns about the same thing.
    ( )
    Helen Scott
    Clinical Nurse Specialist |
    Infection Control |
    Anaesthetics & Recovery
    Nepean Private Hospital
    Kingswood, NSW.
    Tel 02 4732 7333 |

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    >>> On 10/07/2012 at 12:57 pm, in message , “Breen, Jennifer (MH)” wrote:

    Hi All,
    We are having some issues with staff consuming food in their ward area, particularly at the staff base and in the corridors. We have located articles about transmission of Hepatitis A but are hoping to source articles to provide further evidence . Our current hospital guidelines are fairly general in this area and pertain more to an outbreak of gastro .
    Kind Regards

    Jenny Breen
    Clinical Nurse Consultant
    Infection Control
    Maroondah Hospital
    Tel: 98713175 Pager 0111

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    Sue.Greig@HEALTH.GOV.AU Subject: Re: Consumption of food stuff in ward areas [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] In-Reply-To:

    Sue.Greig@HEALTH.GOV.AU Subject: Re: Consumption of food stuff in ward areas [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] In-Reply-To:




    Hi Helen,
    It is such a shame that you can only argue a point of common sense with
    I agree the ‘evidence’ is poor in this area but OHS (Workplace Health and
    Safety) provides the opportunity for employers and employees to review
    real and possible risks of eating in the work area. The Australian
    Infection Control Guidelines do not address this issue specifically but do
    provide you with a risk management framework to use for developing your
    position on this for your organisation.
    Some of the risks to be considered include – vermin, food/drink
    contamination, odour, spills that can create slip and trip hazards,
    professionalism, hand hygiene, cleaning (increased requirements),
    disease/infection transmission.
    Options to consider – provision of a designated place to consume
    food/drinks, staffing allocation sufficient to cover breaks, governance of
    decisions made, consultation with those affected.

    Good luck,

    Sue Greig
    Senior Project Officer
    Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care
    GPO Box 5480 Sydney NSW 2001 | Level 7, 1 Oxford Street, Darlinghurst NSW
    ( direct (02) 9126 3565 | ( switchboard (02) 9126 3600 | 6 (02) 9126 3613
    Email |

    Helen Scott
    Sent by: ACIPC Infexion Connexion
    31/07/2012 08:56 AM
    Please respond to
    ACIPC Infexion Connexion



    Has anyone got anymore information on this please? I’d like to provide
    evidence and documentation to follow up my concerns about the same thing.


    Helen Scott
    Clinical Nurse Specialist |
    Infection Control |
    Anaesthetics & Recovery
    Nepean Private Hospital
    Kingswood, NSW.
    Tel 02 4732 7333 |

    Please consider the environment before printing this message

    >>> On 10/07/2012 at 12:57 pm, in message
    , “Breen,
    Jennifer (MH)” wrote:
    Hi All,
    We are having some issues with staff consuming food in their ward area,
    particularly at the staff base and in the corridors. We have located
    articles about transmission of Hepatitis A but are hoping to source
    articles to provide further evidence . Our current hospital guidelines are
    fairly general in this area and pertain more to an outbreak of gastro .

    Kind Regards

    Jenny Breen
    Clinical Nurse Consultant
    Infection Control
    Maroondah Hospital
    Tel: 98713175 Pager 0111

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    Matthias Maiwald (KKH)

    Matthias Maiwald (KKH)





    Out of interest, do you happen to know the reference for the OHS regulations, and what they specifically say about food consumption in ward areas?

    I agree it is a sad state that one should need evidence or even a “risk management framework” (what a mouthful) for what should normally come with common sense.

    Has anyone tried “evidence reversal” — actually in my opinion the right and scientifically correct way to place the onus for evidence in such situations — to say, here are the OHS regulations and here is what common sense and microbiological principles tell you, and now YOU show me the evidence that breaking the rules is NOT associated with an increased risk?

    Best regards, Matthias.

    Matthias Maiwald, MD, FRCPA
    Consultant in Microbiology
    Adj. Assoc. Prof., Natl. Univ. Singapore
    Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine
    KK Women’s and Children’s Hospital
    100 Bukit Timah Road
    Singapore 229899
    Tel. +65 6394 8725 (Office)
    Tel. +65 6394 1389 (Laboratory)
    Fax +65 6394 1387

    Hi Helen,
    It is such a shame that you can only argue a point of common sense with evidence.
    I agree the ‘evidence’ is poor in this area but OHS (Workplace Health and Safety) provides the opportunity for employers and employees to review real and possible risks of eating in the work area. The Australian Infection Control Guidelines do not address this issue specifically but do provide you with a risk management framework to use for developing your position on this for your organisation.
    Some of the risks to be considered include – vermin, food/drink contamination, odour, spills that can create slip and trip hazards, professionalism, hand hygiene, cleaning (increased requirements), disease/infection transmission.
    Options to consider – provision of a designated place to consume food/drinks, staffing allocation sufficient to cover breaks, governance of decisions made, consultation with those affected.

    Good luck,

    Sue Greig
    Senior Project Officer
    Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care
    GPO Box 5480 Sydney NSW 2001 | Level 7, 1 Oxford Street, Darlinghurst NSW 2010
    ( direct (02) 9126 3565 | ( switchboard (02) 9126 3600 | 6 (02) 9126 3613 |
    Email |

    Helen Scott <Helen.Scott@HEALTHSCOPE.COM.AU>
    Sent by: ACIPC Infexion Connexion <AICALIST@AICALIST.ORG.AU>

    31/07/2012 08:56 AM
    Please respond to





    Has anyone got anymore information on this please? I’d like to provide evidence and documentation to follow up my concerns about the same thing.


    Helen Scott
    Clinical Nurse Specialist |
    Infection Control |
    Anaesthetics & Recovery
    Nepean Private Hospital
    Kingswood, NSW.
    Tel 02 4732 7333 |

    Please consider the environment before printing this message

    >>> On 10/07/2012 at 12:57 pm, in message <>, “Breen, Jennifer (MH)” <Jennifer.Breen@EASTERNHEALTH.ORG.AU> wrote:
    Hi All,

    We are having some issues with staff consuming food in their ward area, particularly at the staff base and in the corridors. We have located articles about transmission of Hepatitis A but are hoping to source articles to provide further evidence . Our current hospital guidelines are fairly general in this area and pertain more to an outbreak of gastro .

    Kind Regards

    Jenny Breen

    Clinical Nurse Consultant

    Infection Control

    Maroondah Hospital

    Tel: 98713175 Pager 0111

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    Glenys Harrington

    Glenys Harrington


    Infection Control Consultancy (ICC)



    Eating or putting anything in your mouth while working in a clinical area
    can result in hand contamination with mouth organisms.

    Given that HH compliance is not always optimal this would be a rationale
    reason why eating in clinical areas is not appropriate on a routine basis
    and even more important during times of gastrointestinal (usually viral)



    Glenys Harrington


    Infection Control Consultancy (ICC)

    PO Box 5202

    Middle Park

    Victoria, 3206


    H: +61 3 96902216

    M: +61 404 816 434

    ABN 47533508426

    Of Matthias Maiwald (KKH)


    Out of interest, do you happen to know the reference for the OHS
    regulations, and what they specifically say about food consumption in ward

    I agree it is a sad state that one should need evidence or even a “risk
    management framework” (what a mouthful) for what should normally come with
    common sense.

    Has anyone tried “evidence reversal” — actually in my opinion the right and
    scientifically correct way to place the onus for evidence in such situations
    — to say, here are the OHS regulations and here is what common sense and
    microbiological principles tell you, and now YOU show me the evidence that
    breaking the rules is NOT associated with an increased risk?

    Best regards, Matthias.

    Matthias Maiwald, MD, FRCPA

    Consultant in Microbiology

    Adj. Assoc. Prof., Natl. Univ. Singapore

    Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine

    KK Women’s and Children’s Hospital

    100 Bukit Timah Road

    Singapore 229899

    Tel. +65 6394 8725 (Office)

    Tel. +65 6394 1389 (Laboratory)

    Fax +65 6394 1387

    Of Sue.Greig@HEALTH.GOV.AU

    Hi Helen,
    It is such a shame that you can only argue a point of common sense with
    I agree the ‘evidence’ is poor in this area but OHS (Workplace Health and
    Safety) provides the opportunity for employers and employees to review real
    and possible risks of eating in the work area. The Australian Infection
    Control Guidelines do not address this issue specifically but do provide you
    with a risk management framework to use for developing your position on this
    for your organisation.
    Some of the risks to be considered include – vermin, food/drink
    contamination, odour, spills that can create slip and trip hazards,
    professionalism, hand hygiene, cleaning (increased requirements),
    disease/infection transmission.
    Options to consider – provision of a designated place to consume
    food/drinks, staffing allocation sufficient to cover breaks, governance of
    decisions made, consultation with those affected.

    Good luck,

    Sue Greig
    Senior Project Officer
    Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care
    GPO Box 5480 Sydney NSW 2001 | Level 7, 1 Oxford Street, Darlinghurst NSW
    ( direct (02) 9126 3565 | ( switchboard (02) 9126 3600 | 6 (02) 9126 3613 |
    Email |

    Helen Scott
    Sent by: ACIPC Infexion Connexion

    31/07/2012 08:56 AM

    Please respond to
    ACIPC Infexion Connexion





    Has anyone got anymore information on this please? I’d like to provide
    evidence and documentation to follow up my concerns about the same thing.


    Helen Scott
    Clinical Nurse Specialist |
    Infection Control |
    Anaesthetics & Recovery
    Nepean Private Hospital
    Kingswood, NSW.
    Tel 02 4732 7333 |

    Please consider the environment before printing this message

    >>> On 10/07/2012 at 12:57 pm, in message
    , “Breen,
    Jennifer (MH)” wrote:
    Hi All,

    We are having some issues with staff consuming food in their ward area,
    particularly at the staff base and in the corridors. We have located
    articles about transmission of Hepatitis A but are hoping to source articles
    to provide further evidence . Our current hospital guidelines are fairly
    general in this area and pertain more to an outbreak of gastro .

    Kind Regards

    Jenny Breen

    Clinical Nurse Consultant

    Infection Control

    Maroondah Hospital

    Tel: 98713175 Pager 0111


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    Lynne Sinclair

    Lynne Sinclair




    We have a trend here of staff having coffee etc so would be very
    interested in this issue

    Lynne Sinclair

    Quality Improvement Manager Boort District Health
    ‘ 03 5451 5200 | 7 03 5455 2502 | *

    Please consider the planet before printing this email

    senior manager of Boort District Health, this communication is to be
    treated as confidential and the information in it may not be used or
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    communication, please contact the sender immediately.

    Behalf Of Helen Scott

    Has anyone got anymore information on this please? I’d like to provide
    evidence and documentation to follow up my concerns about the same



    Helen Scott

    Clinical Nurse Specialist |

    Infection Control |

    Anaesthetics & Recovery

    Nepean Private Hospital

    Kingswood, NSW.
    Tel 02 4732 7333 |

    Please consider the environment before printing this message

    >>> On 10/07/2012 at 12:57 pm, in message
    , “Breen,
    Jennifer (MH)” wrote:

    Hi All,

    We are having some issues with staff consuming food in their ward area,
    particularly at the staff base and in the corridors. We have located
    articles about transmission of Hepatitis A but are hoping to source
    articles to provide further evidence . Our current hospital guidelines
    are fairly general in this area and pertain more to an outbreak of
    gastro .

    Kind Regards

    Jenny Breen

    Clinical Nurse Consultant

    Infection Control

    Maroondah Hospital

    Tel: 98713175 Pager 0111


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    Carolyn.Chenoweth@FMC-ASIA.COM Subject: Re: Consumption of food stuff in ward areas In-Reply-To:

    Carolyn.Chenoweth@FMC-ASIA.COM Subject: Re: Consumption of food stuff in ward areas In-Reply-To:




    We allow drinks in nurse stations but no food. With drinks the actual
    fluid is not touched so low risk of contamination. To enforce the no food
    policy we show the hand hygiene results to demonstrate that until they are
    100% there is risk of contamination from hands and the potential spread of
    VRE to staff.


    Carolyn Chenoweth
    National Quality Coordinator
    Fresenius Medical Care – NephroCare

    Nephrocare Payneham Dialysis Centre
    2 Portrush Road
    PAYNEHAM SA 5070
    phone (08) 81654313
    mobile 0407 810 800

    Sent by: ACIPC Infexion Connexion

    We have a trend here of staff having coffee etc so would be very
    interested in this issue
    Lynne Sinclair
    Quality Improvement Manager Boort District Health
    ‘ 03 5451 5200 | 7 03 5455 2502 | *
    Please consider the planet before printing this email

    manager of Boort District Health, this communication is to be treated as
    confidential and the information in it may not be used or disclosed except
    for the purpose for which it has been sent. If you have reason to believe
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    contact the sender immediately.

    Of Helen Scott

    Has anyone got anymore information on this please? I’d like to provide
    evidence and documentation to follow up my concerns about the same thing.


    Helen Scott
    Clinical Nurse Specialist |
    Infection Control |
    Anaesthetics & Recovery
    Nepean Private Hospital
    Kingswood, NSW.
    Tel 02 4732 7333 |

    Please consider the environment before printing this message

    >>> On 10/07/2012 at 12:57 pm, in message , “Breen,
    Jennifer (MH)” wrote:
    Hi All,
    We are having some issues with staff consuming food in their ward area,
    particularly at the staff base and in the corridors. We have located
    articles about transmission of Hepatitis A but are hoping to source
    articles to provide further evidence . Our current hospital guidelines are
    fairly general in this area and pertain more to an outbreak of gastro .

    Kind Regards

    Jenny Breen
    Clinical Nurse Consultant
    Infection Control
    Maroondah Hospital
    Tel: 98713175 Pager 0111

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