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Cochrane review of influenza vaccination in healthy adults

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  • #68441
    Wishart, Michael

    Wishart, Michael




    I believe this has been recently discussed on OzBug by the infectious
    disease physician group, but I think it is good to be aware and discuss
    this as ICP’s as well.

    In summary, they suggest that mass vaccination against influenza for
    healthy adults is neither cost nor clinically effective, and that
    further information about risk vs benefit needs to be investigated. But
    they then cynically state this will not happen because ‘because
    influenza vaccines are centre stage in an “industry” upon which
    government departments, pharmaceutical giants, the media and researchers

    Personally, I think these reviews do more to harm HCW vaccination
    programs which seek to reduce risks to at-risk patient populations than
    the authors realise.


    Michael Wishart | GPH – Infection Control Coordinator

    GPH – Quality & Safety Unit (Infection Control) | Greenslopes Private
    Newdegate Street, Greenslopes QLD 4120
    t: 07 3394 7919 | f: 07 3394 7985
    e: | w:

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