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Clinical Nurse Consultant (Redevelopment/Infection Control) (520475) – Vacancy – Careers with the Tasmanian Government

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  • #68807
    Thomson, Rachel EA

    Thomson, Rachel EA




    Hi all,

    The Royal Hobart Hospital is currently looking to fill an exciting new
    role. The Clinical Nurse Consultant in Infection Control is a new role
    created to coordinate the Infection Prevention and Control input to the
    Redevelopment of the RHH. The appointment is for a full-time position
    for a 3 year fixed term period.

    The link below will take you to the Tasmanian Government Jobs Website so
    that you may see further details.

    You will note that the position closes at the end of this week. Please
    be advised that if you are interested in applying for this position, and
    provided an application is lodged by the closing date, provision may be
    made for completion of the Selection Criteria after the closing date
    subject to discussion with me as the contact person. Please disseminate
    this email to any person you feel may be interested.

    Please feel free to contact me directly if you would like any further

    Kind regards

    Rachel Thomson

    Nurse Unit Manager

    Infection Prevention & Control Unit

    Royal Hobart Hospital


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