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Cleaning cloths/mops

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  • #69318
    Lee, Rosie

    Lee, Rosie





    I am interested in other ICP’s opinion on the frequency of change of
    cleaning cloths used for daily cleaning of bed units. The recommended
    cleaning practices in my hospital are to change each cloth (discard if
    disposable or launder if reusable) after cleaning each bed space. The
    method used here is to rinse the cloth depending on level of soil while
    cleaning. The bucket of water is changed after each bed unit. My
    rationaile is to reduce potential for cross contamination from one bed
    space to the other.

    There were no issues with this until the introduction of this cleaning
    device the staff refer to as a “dolly mop”. It is a mini version of a
    floor mop. This has been introduced for OHS reasons – too much bending
    stretching etc to reach difficult to access areas such as bed screen
    rails under beds etc. These mops are expensive and I have identified
    that these are not being managed with the same principles as cleaning
    cloth. The staff are using these by rinsing them between each bed space.
    I don’t believe this is acceptable and am wondering if others have had
    this issue. The cleaning staff have placed barriers on laundry turn
    around times etc. They want to dispose the mop after each bed space but
    the costs are prohibitive.

    Just wondering if others use this mop in their hospitals and have
    similar issues, have resolved this and happy to share.



    Rosie Lee
    RN. BSc. CICP

    Coordinator – Infection Prevention & Management
    SMH Service – Royal Perth Hospital

    Ph + 61 8 9224 2805 Fax + 61 8 9224 1989

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    Godsell, Mary-Rose

    Godsell, Mary-Rose




    Dear Rosie,
    Recent webnair – William Rutala recommends to change cleaning cloths
    after each room clean, use at least 3 cloths per room ( typically 5-7
    cloths). Do not replace cleaning cloth back into disinfectant solution
    after using it to wipe the surface.
    Change cotton mop ‘water’ containing disinfectant every 3 rooms and
    after every isolation room clean.
    Kind regards
    Mary-Rose Godsell
    RGON, AFAAQHC, GDipHSM, CICP, MAdvPrac(Hons) Infection Prevention &
    South West Infection Control Nurse Consultant
    Southern Country Health Service – South West

    ‘Hand hygiene reduces the
    spread of infection’

    ph:08) 9781 2314
    mobile 04 3996 1015

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    Behalf Of Lee, Rosie


    I am interested in other ICP’s opinion on the frequency of change of
    cleaning cloths used for daily cleaning of bed units. The recommended
    cleaning practices in my hospital are to change each cloth (discard if
    disposable or launder if reusable) after cleaning each bed space. The
    method used here is to rinse the cloth depending on level of soil while
    cleaning. The bucket of water is changed after each bed unit. My
    rationaile is to reduce potential for cross contamination from one bed
    space to the other.

    There were no issues with this until the introduction of this cleaning
    device the staff refer to as a “dolly mop”. It is a mini version of a
    floor mop. This has been introduced for OHS reasons – too much bending
    stretching etc to reach difficult to access areas such as bed screen
    rails under beds etc. These mops are expensive and I have identified
    that these are not being managed with the same principles as cleaning
    cloth. The staff are using these by rinsing them between each bed space.
    I don’t believe this is acceptable and am wondering if others have had
    this issue. The cleaning staff have placed barriers on laundry turn
    around times etc. They want to dispose the mop after each bed space but
    the costs are prohibitive.

    Just wondering if others use this mop in their hospitals and have
    similar issues, have resolved this and happy to share.



    Rosie Lee
    RN. BSc. CICP

    Coordinator – Infection Prevention & Management
    SMH Service – Royal Perth Hospital

    Ph + 61 8 9224 2805 Fax + 61 8 9224 1989

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