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Chlorine based cleaning implementation

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    Barbara Elliott

    Barbara Elliott




    Does anyone have any tips/ideas on how best to implement chlorine based cleaning products for one step cleaning? With the increase in C diff and MRO’s being identified we are keen to introduce chlorine based cleaning for routine cleaning.
    We have had a trial here at our hospital with a product widely used in other hospital settings but have come against some resistance (excuse the pun!) from a number of cleaning staff who complain about the smell despite being given safety instructions for use and they have enlisted the OS&E department to fight the implementation of this.
    Any thoughts/ suggestions gratefully received.
    Thank you

    Barbara Elliott I Coordinator Infection Prevention & Control I St John of God Subiaco Hospital
    Level 3, 12 Salvado Road SUBIACO WA 6008
    P: 08 9382 6871 F: 08 9382 6785 M: 0413706384 E:

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    Kevin Griffin

    Kevin Griffin




    Hi Barbara

    Their are a number of companies that offer relatively cheap, easy to use and quick reading “kits” to measure chlorine concentrations in the air. (Drager being one example)

    If you can demonstrate the levels of chlorine in the rooms being cleaned are below recommended safety levels then you should be able to satisfy OS&E and the cleaners.

    However unless you gain buy in from the cleaners I suspect that you will be facing a loosing battle. Being able to quantify and demonstrate exposure levels will be one step towards doing that.


    Kevin Griffin
    Bioquell Asia Pacific Pte Ltd

    +65 85113733

    Sent using blackberry.

    From: Barbara Elliott [mailto:Barbara.Elliott@SJOG.ORG.AU]
    Sent: Tuesday, October 09, 2012 05:12 AM
    Subject: Chlorine based cleaning implementation

    Does anyone have any tips/ideas on how best to implement chlorine based cleaning products for one step cleaning? With the increase in C diff and MRO’s being identified we are keen to introduce chlorine based cleaning for routine cleaning.

    We have had a trial here at our hospital with a product widely used in other hospital settings but have come against some resistance (excuse the pun!) from a number of cleaning staff who complain about the smell despite being given safety instructions for use and they have enlisted the OS&E department to fight the implementation of this.

    Any thoughts/ suggestions gratefully received.

    Thank you

    Barbara Elliott I Coordinator Infection Prevention & Control I St John of God Subiaco Hospital

    Level 3, 12 Salvado Road SUBIACO WA 6008
    P: 08 9382 6871 F: 08 9382 6785 M: 0413706384 E:

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    Godsell, Mary-Rose

    Godsell, Mary-Rose




    Dear Barbara,
    We are increasing our chlorine cleaning (one step) to be more generalise
    e.g for all gastroenteritis cases, however not using it routinely as
    there are OSH concerns for staff carrying out the cleaning.
    We are looking at using a product that is in tablet form, which reduces
    the risk during dilution process
    Kind regards
    Mary-Rose Godsell
    RGON, AFAAQHC, GDipHSM, CICP, MAdvPrac(Hons) Infection Prevention &
    South West Infection Control Nurse Consultant
    Southern Country Health Service – South West

    ‘Hand hygiene reduces the
    spread of infection’

    ph:08) 9781 2314
    mobile 04 3996 1015

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    Behalf Of Barbara Elliott

    Does anyone have any tips/ideas on how best to implement chlorine based
    cleaning products for one step cleaning? With the increase in C diff and
    MRO’s being identified we are keen to introduce chlorine based cleaning
    for routine cleaning.
    We have had a trial here at our hospital with a product widely used in
    other hospital settings but have come against some resistance (excuse
    the pun!) from a number of cleaning staff who complain about the smell
    despite being given safety instructions for use and they have enlisted
    the OS&E department to fight the implementation of this.
    Any thoughts/ suggestions gratefully received.
    Thank you

    Barbara Elliott I Coordinator Infection Prevention & Control I St John
    of God Subiaco Hospital

    Level 3, 12 Salvado Road SUBIACO WA 6008

    P: 08 9382 6871 F: 08 9382 6785 M: 0413706384 E:

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