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Chlorhexidine Systematic Review

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  • #69341
    Matthias Maiwald (KKH)

    Matthias Maiwald (KKH)




    Dear All,

    Greetings from Singapore. I would like to follow up on several previous posts on the AICA/ACIPC forum concerning skin antisepsis, and some of the issues that were discussed in those posts.

    We just published a systematic review on this topic:

    Effectively, we are showing that the often-proclaimed “evidence for chlorhexidine” in skin antisepsis is in significant parts (but not exclusively) a product of human perception whereby authors take clinical trial outcomes obtained with the use of the combination of alcohol plus chlorhexidine, attribute study outcomes solely to the chlorhexidine component and conclude that chlorhexidine (implying: “per se”) is the agent supported by evidence.

    This phenomenon has been occurring on a significant scale at all levels of evidence gathering and assessment, including primary clinical trials, systematic reviews, clinical practice recommendations and evidence-based guidelines.

    In contrast, there is very little factual evidence supporting chlorhexidine per se as a substance.

    Best regards, Matthias.

    Matthias Maiwald, MD, FRCPA
    Consultant in Microbiology
    Adj. Assoc. Prof., Natl. Univ. Singapore
    Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine
    KK Women’s and Children’s Hospital
    100 Bukit Timah Road
    Singapore 229899
    Tel. +65 6394 8725 (Office)
    Tel. +65 6394 1389 (Laboratory)
    Fax +65 6394 1387


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