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- This topic has 0 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 12 years, 10 months ago by
Claire Boardman.
23/05/2012 at 2:00 pm #69027
Claire Boardman
Claire BoardmanEmail:
Dear Colleagues,
The College is seeking nominations for suitable individuals meeting the selection criteria to join the Executive Council as the next President Elect.
As part of the constitution the new body has 3 President positions. As of 1st July Elizabeth Gillespie will become President as Claire Boardman moves into the Past President role which Sylvia Gandossi will vacate. As per the Constitution and Foundation Operational Guidelines of the ACIPC the President Elect sits on the ACIPC Executive Council as a general council member for a period of 1 year to gain experience and the ability to transition into the Presidents role. A full copy of these documents are available on the ACIPC (AICA) website http://www.aica.org.au
Position background
The President Elect will be appointed by a vote of the full membership. Specific eligibility criteria including membership and professional standing are listed below. All nominations will be referred to the NCSC for review prior to the nominees being eligible to be elected via an electronic ballot. Applicants MUST be familiar with the role and expectations of the Presidents position which they will commence 1st July 2012 and must meet the selection criteria as outlined in the operational guidelines for the President position.A member wishing to stand for appointment as President Elect must meet the same minimum criteria as an Executive Council member.
Terms of appointment (refer to Appendix A. for Presidential duties list – a copy of which is available via the AICA website)
The President Elect term is for one year. As with the President and Past President roles, any elected President will serve a total of three years on the Executive Council. The President-Elect Reports to the Executive Council and
(a) is a member of the Executive Council.
(b) assumes the office of President as delegated. This may include self-directed activities to address organisational areas
that are unfamiliar.
(c) presides at meetings of the Executive Council in the absence of the President or Past President .
(d) assumes the office of President should that office become vacant and subsequently fill the office of President for a
regular term.
(e) All those items listed for President.
(f) This office is a three-year commitment: one year as President-Elect, one year as President, and one year as Past
President.Key Selection Criteria
Essential criteria:
Skills and experience in infection control and prevention;
Be a Credentialled Infection Control Professional (CICP) or currently working toward.
Financial membership of AICA for a minimum of 2 years;
Previous experience on an Executive Board or Council;
Not been declared or about to declare personal or business financial insolvency in the last 5 years
Not been convicted of a criminal offence;
Marketing experience;
High level communication skills;
Proven business acumen;
Proven project management experience;
Human resource management skills;
Capacity to think and act strategically;
The ability to exercise due care and diligence, to act honestly in good faith and proper purpose; and
Chair experience
Tertiary qualifications or equivalent in infection control, public health, epidemiology, or infectious diseases (e.g. Masters
Degree, PhD) would be an advantage.
Infection Control professional with at least five years of relevant experience.Knowledge & Skills
Understanding of and an ability to work in a multi-disciplinary, leadership team and where required, to work and liaise
with international counterparts
Excellent interpersonal and communication skills
Ability to be flexible and work in a changing environment
Ability to assume authority as and when needed
Ability to work effectively under stress with minimum guidance and support
Ability to build and maintain harmonious working relationships, coordinate different aspects of ACIPC operations and
provide leadership in achieving priority goals
Ability to analyse and digest technical and political issues and take responsibility for prioritising action
Ability to present relevant information in a concise, effective and focused manner, both orally and written
Working knowledge of computer applications and telecommunication technologies
How to apply:
Applicants must meet ALL the essential criteria detailed above. Please read the criteria carefully and ensure that you
have the relevant expertise and experience before applying – refer to full Call for Nominations document Appendix A. a
copy of which is on the AICA website.
Submit a letter outlining why you would be a suitable candidate for the ACIPC President elect position. The letter should
be no more than 500 words and highlight your skills and experience
Include a current CV which illustrates that you meet the selection criteria
Please also include one photo (headshot), a brief bio and a statement about why you are seeking election. This will be
used in the electronic ballot process that will follow shortly after the application deadline. By submitting this information
with your application you have given your permission for the use of this material for this purpose.Exclusions:
Members of the NCSC are unable to apply for any position on the Executive Council until a period of 1 year after cessation of their appointment as a NCSC member.Closing date:
Applicants who meet the criteria outlined above should send the following information electronically to: Philip Russo (Chair NCSC) via admin@acipc.org.au by 1700hrs Monday 11th June 2012.Further Information:
Please contact Claire Boardman claire_boardman@health.qld.gov.au or Philip Russo Philip.russo@austin.org.auMessages posted to this list are solely the opinion of the authors, and do not represent the opinion of ACIPC.
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