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Home Forums Infexion Connexion CALL FOR CONTRIBUTIONS – MARCH 2013 ANJ – AGED CARE

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  • #69634
    Marija Juraja

    Marija Juraja




    Could this please go out to the members….

    If any one requires the “Writers Guidelines” could they please contact the college secretariat at

    Dear Colleague

    The MARCH 2013 edition of the Australian Nursing Journal (ANJ) will be featuring AGED CARE in its focus section.

    We invite you to contribute short articles (between 200-400 words) and have attached our writer’s guidelines for your information, so please refer to the nursing focus guidelines.

    The deadline for articles is MONDAY 7TH JANUARY 2013.

    The ANJ has an audited circulation of 90,761 and is read by more than 120,000 nurses across Australia, so this is a great opportunity for you to highlight your work, and some of the practical programs / research of nurses and midwives working in these areas, or issues confronting this area of nursing that would be of interest to your nursing colleagues. Photo stories are also welcome (specifications for photos are included in the writer’s guidelines).

    We hope you will consider participating, and ask that you please forward this email to any others with expertise or an interest in this area who may also like to contribute.

    We look forward to hearing from you.

    Kind regards

    Cathy Fasciale – Australian Nursing Journal
    Australian Nursing Federation
    Level 1, 365 Queen Street Melbourne VIC 3000, Australia
    T +61 3 9602 8500 | F +61 3 9602 8567
    E |

    Kind Regards

    Marija Juraja |Clinical Service Coordinator (CICP) -Infection Prevention & Control Unit|
    Division of Critical Care and Clinical Support
    The Queen Elizabeth Hospital | Central Adelaide Local Health Network
    Level 8 Tower Building | 28 Woodville Road, WOODVILLE SOUTH 5011
    t: +61 8 8222 7588| p: 47757| f: +61 8 8222 6461 | DX: 465432 |
    Care Excellence Collaboration Integrity

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