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building & redevelopment issues in health care facilities: non-acute care setting

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  • #69592
    Tozer, Jennifer (Health)

    Tozer, Jennifer (Health)




    Good morning AICALIST members,
    Can anyone provide any information relating to waste management, specifically regarding food waste and linen waste and its storage? The Rehab Units caters for occupancy of 42. Architects have included space in the Dirty Utility Room to hold 470L general waste bins for food waste/ general waste and 1 or 2 linen trolleys for soiled linen. This room looks to be located behind the patients lounge/ dinning area at the end of one of the pods. Contamination issue is remote however odour and volume generated over a weekend/ public holiday period is great. I can’t find any guidelines supporting managing of waste and soiled linen in a housed area away/ external to main building. I would appreciate input from members. Jen

    Jennifer K Tozer
    BArts Anthro,RN,MHN,IC cert
    Infection Prevention & Control Coordinator
    Mental Health Directorate
    Adelaide Health Service

    Telephone (08) 8282 0474
    Facsimile (08) 8282 0499
    mobile 0423 782 171

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