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baby bottles in an infectious baby

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  • #68754
    Nicola Swindells

    Nicola Swindells




    Hi All,

    We have an eight week old baby on transmission based precautions.
    Normally we would use hospital bottles which go to CSSD for re
    sterilizing. This baby has some sucking issues and requires specialized
    teats. Therefore is required to use there own bottles.

    The problem is where to rinse the bottles before sterilsing or cleaning
    for re use.


    The anti room sink – No because this is where nursing staff wash there

    The parents bathroom – This sink is where the parents wash there hands
    following using toilet.

    The dirty utility – If they are rinsed in here they then have to go
    from the dirty utility back to the patients room and potentially
    contaminate from the dirty utility.

    The milk room cannot be used as potential for transmission to other

    If anyone has had a similar issue or can advise on what would be the
    safest option given the above options. Many thanks for your time in
    considering this.

    Kind regards

    Nicky Swindells CNC

    Infection Control Coordinator/Wound Management

    Mater Hospitals Central Queensland

    Rockhampton Yeppoon Gladstone

    07 49313420

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    Jane Tomlinson

    Jane Tomlinson




    Hi Nicola
    Here at RCH we often have this issue, we have changed over to using
    dishwasher in wards for ‘special’ feeding items, and we use a basket and
    box to assist in transfer from patient to washer. Any other baby bottles
    and teats we use are disposable. We have a procedure and are happy to
    share this resource with any interested area. Please contact me via

    Jane Tomlinson RN
    CNC Infection Management and Prevention Service (IMPS)
    Royal Children’s Hospital

    South Tower Ground Floor
    mobile 0408 236 266
    via switch 3636 8111
    office 3636 7856
    “Working together to provide better healthcare for children and young
    people throughout Queensland”.

    >>> Nicola Swindells 20/09/11 13:58 >>>

    Hi All,

    We have an eight week old baby on transmission based precautions.
    Normally we would use hospital bottles which go to CSSD for re
    sterilizing. This baby has some sucking issues and requires specialized
    teats. Therefore is required to use there own bottles.

    The problem is where to rinse the bottles before sterilsing or cleaning
    for re use.


    The anti room sink No because this is where nursing staff wash there
    The parents bathroom This sink is where the parents wash there hands
    following using toilet.
    The dirty utility If they are rinsed in here they then have to go
    from the dirty utility back to the patients room and potentially
    contaminate from the dirty utility.
    The milk room cannot be used as potential for transmission to other

    If anyone has had a similar issue or can advise on what would be the
    safest option given the above options. Many thanks for your time in
    considering this.

    Kind regards

    Nicky Swindells CNC
    Infection Control Coordinator/Wound Management
    Mater Hospitals Central Queensland
    Rockhampton Yeppoon Gladstone
    07 49313420

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