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ASID-ASA Summit on Antimicrobial Resistance

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  • #68443
    Claire Boardman

    Claire Boardman




    Dear members,
    AICA has recieved an inviation for all members to particapte in an ASID-ASA Summit on Antimicrobial Resistance which will be held at University of Sydney Law School – 7 & 8 February 2011 (Registration complimentary).

    I encourage you to consider attending this important summit which will discuss health-care and community-associated drug resistance, infection control strategies, the role of national surveillance, antibiotic stewardship, education, antibiotic use in food production, regulatory control and research needs in an interactive framework.

    We are writing to you as the President of the AICA about an important event we have organized to address the issues relating to the worldwide spread of antimicrobial resistance, and to stimulate discussion about its future impact and need for management in Australia.

    Recently, the World Health Organization (WHO) identified antimicrobial resistance as one of three greatest threats to human health, jeopardising patient safety and public health. Whilst research into and the development of new, effective antibiotics is decreasing, we are all aware of increasing rates of multi-resistant bacteria that cannot be treated with conventional antibiotics and compromising patient care.

    We believe that there is a requirement for an urgent debate within Australia on how to comprehensively address the problems of antimicrobial resistance. To this aim, the Executive Councils of the Australasian Society for Infectious Diseases (ASID) and the Australian Society for Antimicrobials (ASA) have organised a Summit on Antimicrobial Resistance to be held at the University of Sydney Law School on Monday and Tuesday, 7th and 8th February 2011. Registration will be complimentary until 14 December.

    We hope this is something that would not only be of interest for you and/or your members/colleagues to attend, but also be seen as an integral issue to contribute to and to be part of the discussions to determine future responses. Moreover, as sponsoring societies, we believe that we need to involve as many societies and organizations involved in antibiotic policies, utilization and education, so as to achieve a broad consensus and build a framework for ongoing management of resistance in Australia and to set a standard that is relevant not only nationally but also contributes to international management of antimicrobial resistance.

    Please see the attached letter for a more detailed background to the event. We have attached a flyer outlining the dates and venue. We encourage you to please send this information to your networks, members and contacts and to promote the event through your communications channels.

    We encourage you to register early at the summit website at to help guide the meeting planning. The website has information about the summit programme, both the planned introductory lectures and interactive workshops. Pre-reading content and links will be available on the website prior to the event.

    For further information and to make suggestions contact the Antimicrobial Resistance Summit Secretariat on 02 8204 0770 or at We look forward to your support.

    Yours sincerely

    Tom Gottlieb, President ASID
    Graeme Nimmo, President ASA

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