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AS/NZS 4187 Section 7 re monitoring of sterilizers and associated equipment

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  • #70355
    Brenda Anderson

    Brenda Anderson




    I am interested to know how people interpret the statement in AS/NZS
    4187:2003 Section 7.1

    All stages of the sterilization process shall be developed and
    documented to ensure that the items can be sterilized.

    The process shall be reliably reproduced and routinely monitored to the
    desired probability of a non sterile item.

    Routinely monitored (is where I want input) I realize each step will be
    written up in a policy/procedure manual- but how is the procedure
    monitored to know the policy is being followed.

    All stages are then listed:

    (a) cleaning – how is manual cleaning monitored??

    (b) Inspection – how is the inspection process monitored??

    (c) Assembly – How is the assembly process monitored??

    Etc…………….. goes to (k) validation of the process

    I realize that the sterilizers and washer/ disinfectors have monitoring
    mechanisms in place (i.e bowie dick, soil tests etc and these are
    monitoring the performance of the machines) – I am interested in the
    process indicators for the manual components of the process?

    This is a theme of accreditation standard 3….3.16.1 – quality control
    systems to monitor each stage of handling or items requiring

    I would appreciate any comments or even better – audit tools


    Brenda Anderson

    Mrs. Brenda Anderson
    Regional Infection Control Consultant
    Hume Region Infection Control Resource and Consulting Service
    Northeast Health Wangaratta

    Northeast Health Wangaratta
    Green St, Wangaratta, VIC 3677

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    Roel Castillo

    Roel Castillo




    Hi Brenda

    Kindly refer to link:
    Here are some insights:

    a) Cleaning – daily residues checks at random – paying attention to hard to clean and cannulised instruments (logged/recorded)

    b) Inspection – dirty items, items for repair/sharpening, electrosurgical testing, missing items/parts of an item, functionality compromises – all documented

    c) Assembly – missing parts of an item, random processed sterile item check, end user non-conforming incident reports

    Among others give me a ring on or email me if you need to explore further.
    I would assume the link would suffice to get you through.
    Happy to help.

    Roel Castillo
    Project Officer SSD
    [The Chris O`Brien Lifehouse at RPA]
    Level 5, 119-143 Missenden Road
    Camperdown NSW 2050
    PO BOX M5 Missenden Road NSW 2050

    [Lifehouse Shop]
    [Facebook: The-Chris-OBrien-Lifehouse-at-RPA][LinkedIn: The Chris O`Brien Lifehouse at RPA][Twitter: LifehouseRPA][YouTube: LifehouseatRPA]
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    I am interested to know how people interpret the statement in AS/NZS 4187:2003 Section 7.1

    All stages of the sterilization process shall be developed and documented to ensure that the items can be sterilized.
    The process shall be reliably reproduced and routinely monitored to the desired probability of a non sterile item.

    Routinely monitored (is where I want input) I realize each step will be written up in a policy/procedure manual- but how is the procedure monitored to know the policy is being followed.

    All stages are then listed:
    (a) cleaning – how is manual cleaning monitored??
    (b) Inspection – how is the inspection process monitored??
    (c) Assembly – How is the assembly process monitored??
    Etc…………….. goes to (k) validation of the process
    I realize that the sterilizers and washer/ disinfectors have monitoring mechanisms in place (i.e bowie dick, soil tests etc and these are monitoring the performance of the machines) – I am interested in the process indicators for the manual components of the process?

    This is a theme of accreditation standard 3….3.16.1 – quality control systems to monitor each stage of handling or items requiring reprocessing.

    I would appreciate any comments or even better – audit tools

    Brenda Anderson

    Mrs. Brenda Anderson
    Regional Infection Control Consultant
    Hume Region Infection Control Resource and Consulting Service
    Northeast Health Wangaratta

    Northeast Health Wangaratta
    Green St, Wangaratta, VIC 3677

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    John Ferguson

    John Ferguson



    State: has all the presentations from the recent MRGN Superbug meeting
    has a listing of interesting infection control and other blogs/forums
    please let me know of any other!


    Dr John Ferguson
    Director, Infection Prevention & Control, Hunter New England Health
    Tel 61 2 4921 4444 | Fax 61 2 4921 4440 | Mob +61 428 885 573 | |


    Hi Brenda

    Kindly refer to link:
    Here are some insights:

    Cleaning daily residues checks at random paying attention to hard to clean and cannulised instruments (logged/recorded)

    Inspection dirty items, items for repair/sharpening, electrosurgical testing, missing items/parts of an item, functionality compromises all documented

    Assembly missing parts of an item, random processed sterile item check, end user non-conforming incident reports

    Among others give me a ring on or email me if you need to explore further.
    I would assume the link would suffice to get you through.
    Happy to help.

    Roel Castillo
    Project Officer SSD
    Level 5, 119-143 Missenden Road
    Camperdown NSW 2050
    PO BOX M5 Missenden Road NSW 2050

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    I am interested to know how people interpret the statement in AS/NZS 4187:2003 Section 7.1

    All stages of the sterilization process shall be developed and documented to ensure that the items can be sterilized.
    The process shall be reliably reproduced and routinely monitored to the desired probability of a non sterile item.

    Routinely monitored (is where I want input) I realize each step will be written up in a policy/procedure manual- but how is the procedure monitored to know the policy is being followed.

    All stages are then listed:
    (a) cleaning – how is manual cleaning monitored??
    (b) Inspection how is the inspection process monitored??
    (c) Assembly How is the assembly process monitored??
    Etc.. goes to (k) validation of the process
    I realize that the sterilizers and washer/ disinfectors have monitoring mechanisms in place (i.e bowie dick, soil tests etc and these are monitoring the performance of the machines) I am interested in the process indicators for the manual components of the process?

    This is a theme of accreditation standard quality control systems to monitor each stage of handling or items requiring reprocessing.

    I would appreciate any comments or even better audit tools

    Brenda Anderson

    Mrs. Brenda Anderson
    Regional Infection Control Consultant
    Hume Region Infection Control Resource and Consulting Service
    Northeast Health Wangaratta

    Northeast Health Wangaratta
    Green St, Wangaratta, VIC 3677

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    SDH Manager

    SDH Manager




    Hi Brenda,

    We didnt seem to have any issues with accreditation concerning our processes, we simply have medtrax record books to keep track of our sterilisation processes. We also do internal audits.

    However, if you need any audit tools, you can go to the QLD Health site. I note they actually havent got any up for Standard 3 yet, but should very soon, so just keep an eye on this site, if you havent already discovered it. quality/nsqhss-audit-tools.asp


    Tina Owens, RN

    Clinical Manager

    Southport Day Hospital

    Tel: (07) 5555 7800 / Fax: (07) 55557801

    Mb: 0419 026 091


    From: ACIPC Infexion Connexion [mailto:AICALIST@AICALIST.ORG.AU] On Behalf Of Brenda Anderson
    Sent: Thursday, 15 August 2013 12:38 PM
    Subject: AS/NZS 4187 Section 7 re monitoring of sterilizers and associated equipment

    I am interested to know how people interpret the statement in AS/NZS 4187:2003 Section 7.1

    All stages of the sterilization process shall be developed and documented to ensure that the items can be sterilized.

    The process shall be reliably reproduced and routinely monitored to the desired probability of a non sterile item.

    Routinely monitored (is where I want input) I realize each step will be written up in a policy/procedure manual- but how is the procedure monitored to know the policy is being followed.

    All stages are then listed:

    (a) cleaning – how is manual cleaning monitored??

    (b) Inspection how is the inspection process monitored??

    (c) Assembly How is the assembly process monitored??

    Etc.. goes to (k) validation of the process

    I realize that the sterilizers and washer/ disinfectors have monitoring mechanisms in place (i.e bowie dick, soil tests etc and these are monitoring the performance of the machines) I am interested in the process indicators for the manual components of the process?

    This is a theme of accreditation standard quality control systems to monitor each stage of handling or items requiring reprocessing.

    I would appreciate any comments or even better audit tools


    Brenda Anderson

    Mrs. Brenda Anderson
    Regional Infection Control Consultant
    Hume Region Infection Control Resource and Consulting Service
    Northeast Health Wangaratta

    Northeast Health Wangaratta
    Green St, Wangaratta, VIC 3677

    Tel: 03 5722 5486
    Mob: 0429 412 780

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    Joe-Anne Bendall

    Joe-Anne Bendall




    Before our accreditation in April, we underwent an AS4187 audit by independent auditors. We had evidence of our audit results, actions against recommendations and all our quality auditing requirements. We had developed a number of quality activities for the sterilizing unit

    They were very happy with our compliance and noted it as an excellent unit during the accreditation summation.

    I would be very happy to discuss this if you wanted to give me a call


    Joe-Anne Bendall

    Joe-anne Bendall | Clinical Nurse Consultant Infection Prevention and Control
    Sydney Hospital and Sydney Eye Hospital
    8 Macquarie St
    SYDNEY NSW 2000
    | ph +61 2 9382 7199 |page 22070 via switch 9382 7111| 7 Fax 93827510 |
    Mobile 0418984255 | Joe-anne.Bendall@SESIAHS.HEALTH.NSW.GOV.AU

    From: ACIPC Infexion Connexion [mailto:AICALIST@AICALIST.ORG.AU] On Behalf Of SDH Manager
    Sent: Monday, 19 August 2013 10:32 AM
    Subject: Re: AS/NZS 4187 Section 7 re monitoring of sterilizers and associated equipment

    Hi Brenda,

    We didnt seem to have any issues with accreditation concerning our processes, we simply have medtrax record books to keep track of our sterilisation processes. We also do internal audits.

    However, if you need any audit tools, you can go to the QLD Health site. I note they actually havent got any up for Standard 3 yet, but should very soon, so just keep an eye on this site, if you havent already discovered it. quality/nsqhss-audit-tools.asp


    Tina Owens, RN
    Clinical Manager
    Southport Day Hospital
    Tel: (07) 5555 7800 / Fax: (07) 55557801
    Mb: 0419 026 091

    From: ACIPC Infexion Connexion [mailto:AICALIST@AICALIST.ORG.AU] On Behalf Of Brenda Anderson
    Sent: Thursday, 15 August 2013 12:38 PM
    Subject: AS/NZS 4187 Section 7 re monitoring of sterilizers and associated equipment

    I am interested to know how people interpret the statement in AS/NZS 4187:2003 Section 7.1

    All stages of the sterilization process shall be developed and documented to ensure that the items can be sterilized.
    The process shall be reliably reproduced and routinely monitored to the desired probability of a non sterile item.

    Routinely monitored (is where I want input) I realize each step will be written up in a policy/procedure manual- but how is the procedure monitored to know the policy is being followed.

    All stages are then listed:
    (a) cleaning – how is manual cleaning monitored??
    (b) Inspection how is the inspection process monitored??
    (c) Assembly How is the assembly process monitored??
    Etc.. goes to (k) validation of the process
    I realize that the sterilizers and washer/ disinfectors have monitoring mechanisms in place (i.e bowie dick, soil tests etc and these are monitoring the performance of the machines) I am interested in the process indicators for the manual components of the process?

    This is a theme of accreditation standard quality control systems to monitor each stage of handling or items requiring reprocessing.

    I would appreciate any comments or even better audit tools

    Brenda Anderson

    Mrs. Brenda Anderson
    Regional Infection Control Consultant
    Hume Region Infection Control Resource and Consulting Service
    Northeast Health Wangaratta

    Northeast Health Wangaratta
    Green St, Wangaratta, VIC 3677

    Tel: 03 5722 5486
    Mob: 0429 412 780

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