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APSIC 2011 Congress – Register Today: Early Bird Closes 15 Sept 2011

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  • #68739
    Brett, Judy

    Brett, Judy




    For the first time ever Australia will host the Asia Pacific Society of Infection Control (APSIC) Congress, the largest international meeting of infection prevention experts in the Asia Pacific Region. The Congress will be held at the Melbourne Convention Centre, 8-11 November 2011. The scientific program promises an impressive list of local and international speakers on topics relevant to all areas of infection prevention and control. The congress also includes an exciting social program to allow delegates to network and catch up with colleagues and friends.

    Early Bird Registration is Closing Soon
    15th September 2011
    To Register Today see:

    Be sure to take advantage of the early discounted rate which is available to all registrations received and paid for on or before the 15th September 2011. Visit for full details on registration, scientific program including keynote speakers, workshops and accommodation.

    Judy Brett
    APSIC 2011 Convenor
    Infection Control Consultant
    VICNISS Coordinating Centre
    10 Wreckyn Street
    North Melbourne Vic 3051

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