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Appointment of Operations Manager & President Elect and other changes

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  • #69149
    Claire Boardman

    Claire Boardman




    Dear ACIPC members,
    I would like to update you on some important changes for the College which came into effect on Monday 2nd July.
    The ACIPC Executive Council are pleased to advise that we have appointed our ACIPC Operations Manager who commenced with the College this week. We welcome Stephen Burke, an independent practice management consultant who has a number of years experience working for associations, colleges and in recent years for law firms. Formerly a Registered Nurse, Stephen holds a MBA, B. Health Admin and teaching positions at UTS and UWS. Stephen has a range of skills and experience that we believe will benefit the College during the next important phase of our development. More information on Steve will be posted on the website shortly and he can be contacted in the interim at until a new email address is established for Steve.
    You would be aware that under the new ACIPC model that we now enjoy the benefit of retaining corporate knowledge through a model that allows for a reasonable period of handover and future succession planning for the presidential positions. As of the 1st July I have moved to Past President, Elizabeth Gillespie to President and, we also welcome and congratulate Marija Juraja (former ICASA President) on her appointment as President Elect. Marija is well known to many of you and it is with great enthusiasm (and anticipation) that she has joined the Executive Council. Further details for Marija will be posted on the website shortly.
    On behalf of the EC I also wish to express our sincere thanks to all members of the NCSC past and present and to Phil Russo for his excellent leadership, level approach and professionalism during some particularly challenging interactions with our membership. On a personal note Ramon, Brett and Phil along with Sylvia Gandossi all have provided me as President with essential support during the transition when I had at times questioned whether it was worth it and, was it really going to happen. You have all done a marvellous job and we acknowledge the time you expended while putting your work and at times, home life on hold to achieve the ultimate goal for AICA – to wind up and re-open as a new entity. I have only heard positive things about the skills and approach of the NCSC. I am enormously proud of what we have achieved in less than 2 years and believe we have set the groundwork now for solid change and leadership in Infection Prevention and Control.
    Sylvia has provided the College and formerly AICA with a great deal of support and direction. We are indebted to her for her ongoing and unfailing commitment to the College and she will be missed as a member of the Executive Council. Although she leaves the Council, Sylvia remains a founding Director and will continue in the role as Corporate Secretary to ensure we meet ATO and ASIC requirements. She will also remain a member of the Executive Management team which comprises of Steve, Elizabeth and myself.

    As the outgoing and retiring President I wish Marija, Elizabeth and Steve all the best in their exciting new roles and look forward to see the College grow under their leadership. Both Sylvia and I will of course still be there to support the EC and with the appointment of the new Operations Manager I am confident we can make real progress in the next year as the College develops core functions as outlined in the Operational Guidelines.

    In the next few weeks I will be handing over the operational issues to Steve and in conjunction with Elizabeth we will continue to keep you informed of changes as they occur. I will be continuing on as a member of the Executive Council and Chair of the Credentialling and Professional Standards Committee.
    Kind regards,
    Claire Boardman

    Claire Boardman
    B. App Sc (nsg), Grad Cert IC, MPH, CICP
    Past President, ACIPC

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