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  • #68317
    Wishart, Michael

    Wishart, Michael




    [Posted on behalf of the AICA 2010 Conference Committee – Moderator]

    Dear Colleagues,

    The organisers of the 6th Biennial AICA Conference are proud to offer a
    Conference Scholarship Program. Opportunities to obtain a scholarship to
    attend the conference in Perth from 4-6 October 2010 are detailed below.

    Rhima Travel Scholarship

    In 2010 Rhima Australia are pleased to offer 3 scholarships of A$1500
    each to be used towards conference registration, travel and
    accommodation costs.

    Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care Scholarship

    The Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care are
    pleased to offer a scholarship of $1500 to be used towards conference
    registration, travel and accommodation costs.

    State and Territory and Scholarships

    New South Wales: Members of the Infection Control Association NSW Inc.
    are invited to apply for support to attend the Conference. These will be
    valued up to a maximum of $1,500.00 (location dependent).

    financial members of the Infection Control Practitioners Association of
    Queensland Inc (ICPAQ) for more than one (1) year for financial
    assistance towards attendance at the Conference. A grant up to the
    value of $1,000.00 will be available.
    Please see the scholarship page on the conference website for further
    information and application forms.

    New International Speaker Added to Conference Program

    Professor Philip Carling is the Director of Infectious Diseases and
    Hospital Epidemiology at Carney Hospital in the Dorchester area of
    Boston. Currently his research activities relate to developing
    methodologies and process improvement programs to evaluate and enhance
    patient area cleaning and disinfection in hospitals and other settings.

    Registration is now open at Register online
    now to take advantage of the discounted earlybird registration rates.

    Kind regards

    AICA 2010 Conference Organising Committee

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