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Re: Re Aseptic technique

Home Forums Infexion Connexion Re Aseptic technique Re: Re Aseptic technique Re: Re Aseptic technique

#70149 Quote
Tim Spencer

Tim Spencer




To everyone that has emailed me about the PIVC slideshow of horrors, I
will have to edit it and will put it up for download.

I will email out the link when I have done so.

Thanks for all the emails J

Timothy R. Spencer, RN, APN, DipAppSci, Bach.Health, ICCert.
Clinical Nurse Consultant, Central Venous Access & Parenteral Nutrition

Conjoint Lecturer, South West Sydney Clinical School | Faculty of
Medicine | University of NSW
Dept of Intensive Care, Level 2, Clinical Building, Liverpool Hospital,
Elizabeth Street, Liverpool, 2170, NSW, Australia
Tel (+61) 2 8738 3603 | Fax (+61) 2 8738 3551 | Mob +61 (0)409 463 428 | |

Behalf Of Tim Spencer


This is a great place to start.

Alternatively, do what I do and show clinicians the nasty effects of
infection in a slideshow – shock factors always seem to work the best
for me – I have a great PIVC slideshow showing a horror story of bad

Works every time.

Timothy R. Spencer, RN, APN, DipAppSci, Bach.Health, ICCert.
Clinical Nurse Consultant, Central Venous Access & Parenteral Nutrition

Conjoint Lecturer, South West Sydney Clinical School | Faculty of
Medicine | University of NSW
Dept of Intensive Care, Level 2, Clinical Building, Liverpool Hospital,
Elizabeth Street, Liverpool, 2170, NSW, Australia
Tel (+61) 2 8738 3603 | Fax (+61) 2 8738 3551 | Mob +61 (0)409 463 428 | |
200 yeas logo white.jpg

Behalf Of Chris Braden


Just wondering if anyone has any innovative ideas how to engage doctors
in taking aseptic technique on board?

Perhaps even getting them to do some education??



Christine Braden

Manager Infection Control

Djerriwarrh Health Service


Ph- 53 67 2000

Mobile – 0402 242 651

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