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Re: IC staffing ratios

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Gerald Cha

Gerald Cha




Thanks Wendy.
I would be interested to find out more about your processes for managing caregivers with skin issues/breakdowns resulting from ABHR use as well as the JD for your role.
With the increased push for Hand Hygiene with ABHRs, we are noticing a rise in caregivers reporting skin issues (which were previously >> Wendy Naisoro 6/09/2012 12:25 PM >>>
Hi Gerald,

To elaborate on Jayne O’Connor’s response from Sydney Adventist Hospital:

– The 1 FTE Staff Health and Wellbeing Advisor’s duties include(onsite we have the equivalent of 2500 heads of paid staff, 500 volunteers, 700 Visiting Medical Officers and 300 University students):

– All Immunisations, including: priorix, boostrix / adacel, Hepatitis B, Meningococcal (only for certain groups), Varilrix
– Clinical Indicators for 6.1 and 6.2
– Needlestick injuries / Body Substance Exposures
– Pre employment medicals on all new staff
– When an outbreak occurs following up of the staff only
– Radiation Monitoring
– Legislative monitoring surrounding Cytotoxic therapies
– General first aid
– Skin assessments and management of skin irritation
– Referrals to Mental Health contacts
– General first aid
– Contact officer for bullying and harrassment

Many thanks
Mrs Wendy Naisoro
Sydney Adventist Hospital
Staff Health and Wellbeing Advisor

029487 9236

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