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Re: Aseptic non-touch technique Acronym

Home Forums Infexion Connexion Aseptic non-touch technique Re: Aseptic non-touch technique Acronym

Jackie Miley

Jackie Miley




HI Lincoln,
This has potential !
Well done

*Jackie *

*Jackie Miley* MSc, PG Cert Public Health, Cert Infection Control,
Dip Rn.

Senior Lecturer Infection Prevention and Control & Continuing Professional
Course Leader MSc Infection Prevention and Control
Course Leader Short Course Infection Prevention & Control

Oxford Brookes University
Faculty of Health and Life Sciences
Jack Straw’s Lane
Oxford OX3 0FL

On 6 June 2012 07:59, Fowler, Lincoln wrote:

> ** ** ** ** **
> Hi John****
> Assuming the acronym is to promote using the correct steps I would
> suggest: LOCATE****
> L: Location of procedure****
> O: Order of procedure****
> C: Cleaning and disinfection****
> A: Aseptic field established****
> T: Technique non-touch****
> (E: evaluate performace)****
> ** **
> The last is to encourage reflective practice.****
> Perhaps someone can dream up something better based on this.****
> Cheers****
> *****Lincoln****** Fowler* / Infection Control / CACH****
> *Department of Health*****
> Telephone: +61 8 9224 1407 / Fax: +61 8 9224 1612****
> ****Mobile****: 0467 771 233****
> E:****
> L3 **WASON****, ****151 Wellington St****, ****PERTH**** WA 6000********
> **********
> **Delivering a *Healthy WA*****
> ****
> ** **
> ** **
> ——————————
> *From:* ACIPC Infexion Connexion [] *On
> Behalf Of *John Ferguson
> *Sent:* Monday, 4 June 2012 9:46 AM
> *To:*
> *Subject:* Aseptic non-touch technique
> *Importance:* High****
> ** **
> Dear Aicalist members,****
> ** **
> As you will know, the new ACSQHC Safety and Quality Standards include
> these (stretch) requirements:****
> 3.10 Developing and implementing protocols for aseptic non-touch technique
> ****
> 3.10.1 The clinical workforce is trained in aseptic non-touch technique***
> *
> 3.10.2 Compliance with aseptic non-touch technique is regularly audited***
> *
> 3.10.3 Action is taken to increase compliance with the aseptic non-touch
> technique protocols****
> It is quite a challenge to put in place a system that goes across all
> practitioners as I’m sure you know!****
> ** **
> The resources attached are available from ****UK**** (we have them on
> order). ****
> ** **
> The Commission would be interested to know about programs around the
> country that have developed ANTT policies and procedures.****
> Has anyone started regular auditing (other than say for CL insertion)? If
> so would you please share your audit tool(s)?****
> What examples of action taken to increase compliance do you have?****
> Have people had experience with the above ****UK**** resources?****
> ** **
> In Hunter New England, in addition to central line insertion, we’ve chosen
> to focus on IV insertion, wound dressing and IV medication preparation as
> our initial procedures to codify and audit. We already do skills lab
> training for IV inserters. ****
> ** **
> We’ve also been throwing around the following guiding principles list for
> ANTT – would welcome your comments! Could we perhaps come up with a natty
> acronym for these 5 ‘moments’ of ANTT?****
> ** **
> *Aseptic non-touch technique (ANTT) : core principles of practice*****
> 1. WHERE TO PERFORM- the physical environment for the procedure- where
> should it be performed; what are the situations where it should not be
> performed? ****
> 2. SEQUENCING – the most efficient and safest sequencing of procedure
> preparation and performance needs to be known by the operator and followed
> closely ****
> 3. DISINFECTION- Hands, procedure trolley and the patient procedure
> site; correct disinfectant, method of application and avoidance of
> recontamination ****
> 4. ESTABLISH AND PROTECT ‘ASEPTIC FIELDS’ – sterile drapes, plastic
> trays, sterile glove use, correct procedure sequencing and performance
> ****
> 5. NON-TOUCH PROCEDURE TECHNIQUE – specific to the procedure ****
> ** **
> Thanks!****
> ** **
> John****
> ** **
> *Dr John Ferguson*
> Chair, Healthcare Infection Advisory Committee, Australian Commission on
> Safety and Quality in Healthcare****
> Locked Bag 1, ****Newcastle**** Mail Centre, NSW 2310
> Tel * *61 2 4921 4444 | Fax * *61 2 4921 4440 | Mob +61 428 885 573 |
>* *|****
> ** **
> ** **
> ** **
> *From:* Stephen Rowley ANTT []
> *Sent:* Monday, 4 June 2012 1:57 AM
> *To:* John Ferguson
> *Subject:* Re: Purchase of ANTT package
> *Importance:* High****
> ** **
> Dear John, ****
> ** **
> Thank you for your email and sorry for the slow response. We will post you
> the ANTT Guideline CD which includes ANTT Audit Tools and the ANTT Practice
> Framework to the address provided. ****
> ** **
> To implement ANTT effectively it is important to blend education with
> practical training. To support this, The Association for Safe Aseptic
> Practice (ASAP) provides ANTT Accredited training resources to help support
> training and implementation. The Implementation Pack includes all the
> resources required to implement ANTT across a large organisation. ****
> We charge a small amount for these resources to help support the ongoing
> development of ANTT resources. I have attached the Resource List along with
> a information sheet.****
> Please let me know if you have any further questions. ****
> Best regards****
> Pat****
> ** **
> Patricia Fernandes****
> Administrator and PA to:****
> Stephen Rowley****
> ** **
> *Clinical Director ANTT*****
> +44 (0)7739 000597****
> ** **
> ** **
> ** **
> ** **
> ** **
> ** **
> ** **
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