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Japanese Encephalitis

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What is Japanese encephalitis?

Japanese encephalitis is a serious disease caused by the Japanese encephalitis virus. It is spread by mosquitoes and is endemic to parts of Asia and the Torres Strait region of Australia. Animals can be infected with the Japanese encephalitis virus, but they cannot transmit the virus to humans.


Most cases of Japanese encephalitis in people are asymptomatic, however, those with severe infection may experience: neck stiffness, coma, and more rarely, permanent neurological complications or death.

Encephalitis is the most serious clinical consequence of a JEV infection.

Illness usually begins with symptoms such as:

  • sudden onset of fever
  • headache
  • vomiting

If you believe you may be infected with the Japanese encephalitis virus, seek urgent medical assistance.

How it spreads

The Japanese encephalitis virus spreads when a human is bitten by a mosquito that has previously bitten an animal infected with the virus.

You can help stop the disease spreading by avoiding being bitten by mosquitos.


There are 2 ways to prevent Japanese encephalitis:

  1. receiving a vaccination for the virus
  2. avoiding being bitten by mosquitos.

You can protect yourself from being bitten by mosquitos by:

  • applying and regularly reapplying an effective insect repellent on exposed skin
  • wearing long, loose fitting clothing when outside
  • ensuring accommodation, including tents, are properly fitted with mosquito nettings or screens
  • using insecticide sprays, vapour dispensing units (indoors) and mosquito coils (outdoors) to clear rooms and repel mosquitoes from an area
  • covering all windows, doors, vents and other entrances with insect screens
  • removing any water-holding containers where mosquitoes may breed.

We recommend vaccination against this disease if you are travelling to Asia and the Torres Strait region of Australia and will be:

  • travelling in rural areas
  • undertaking certain activities with increased risk of exposure
  • spending a month or more in the region.

You should avoid mosquito bites when you are in these areas.

People who work with animals in Australia may also choose to be vaccinated against this disease.


Japanese encephalitis is confirmed through a combination laboratory testing and clinical assessment.

If you think you may be infected with the Japanese encephalitis virus seek urgent seek medical assistance.


There are no treatments for Japanese encephalitis. You can relieve the symptoms by:

  • getting plenty of rest
  • drinking plenty of fluids
  • taking paracetamol for pain or fever.

In more severe cases, hospitalisation for supportive care and close observation may be required.

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