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Hand Hygiene Day FREE WHO webinar

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World Hand Hygiene Day 2024 – why is sharing knowledge about hand hygiene still so important?

WHO Infection Prevention and Control Global Webinar

6 May 2024, 2:00-3:30 pm CET (11PM AEST)

In the context of a multimodal improvement strategy, WHO highlights the importance of training of health workers for sustainable improvement in infection prevention and control (IPC), including hand hygiene.

Many countries are demonstrating strong engagement and advancements in scaling-up IPC strategies and actions, but overall, the progress is slow, and gains are at risk. In multiple WHO surveys for example, training and education was the weakest component of IPC programmes around the world both at the national and facility level.

With a global workforce of 65 million health workers, this year’s campaign focus on training and education and taking action on, for example, hand hygiene can help save lives.


  • To provide perspectives and evidence related to the value of IPC and hand hygiene education and training
  • To outline WHHD 2024 resources and activities
  • To showcase the best innovative education and training stories submitted to WHO
  • To present an overview of the new global IPC in-service curriculum
  • To present the WHO “My 5 Moments: The Game”

For more information and to register, click here:

World Hand Hygiene Day 2024 – why is sharing knowledge about hand hygiene still so important? (