Clinician Research Hub
What is a clinician researcher
A clinician researcher is a healthcare professional who combines clinical practice with research. They can help to translate research into practice and apply their findings to improve patient care and outcomes. And they can provide insights to ensure interventions and practice changes are practical and achievable within the clinical setting.
Why are clinician researchers important to Infection Prevention and Control
Clinician researchers are important to the field of infection prevention and control as they bring first-hand experience from clinical environments and have existing knowledge of the gaps and challenges that exists within practice.
Their research can contribute to knowledge and the development of evidence-based guidelines and protocols, drive innovation and prevention strategies, ensure efficient and sustainable use of resources, as well guiding practice change that leads to better outcomes for patients while maintaining a high standard of care.
Why is this important to ACIPC
ACIPC supports research that advances the field of infection prevention and control.
Our goal is to help clinician researchers take aspects of their everyday clinical practice and transform it into research and resources that leads to improvements and innovation within the field, improves patient care and outcomes while maintaining a safe environment for clinicians.
ACIPC supports clinician researchers to collaborate and share their findings with peers and to create a culture of continuous improvement that builds capacity and expertise within infection prevention and control. This is achieved through publication in the Infectious Disease and Health journal and the annual ACIPC International Conference.
Getting started as a clinician researcher
All research starts with an idea or clinical problem and a research question.
Connecting with an established researcher who can mentor and offer advice, support and guidance is vital when starting out as a new researcher. They will be able to help you develop the clinical problem into a research question, provide advice on research methods and help you develop a proposal and seek approval from your workplace to undertake your research.
You can also participate as part of the research team on someone else’s project, and develop and build research skills as the project is undertaken.
Resources for clinician researchers
ACIPC has many resources available for clinician researchers, including Lunch and Learn webinars on how to write a successful research grant, and how to write an abstract. Lunch and Learn webinars are available on the education page on the ACIPC website:
Information on ACIPC research grants, including the Early Career Research Grant, and awards and scholarship are available on the research page on the ACIPC website:
Awards and Scholarships
ACIPC conference
Infection, Disease and Health Journal