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RFO – Evaluation of Foundations of IPC course

RFO – Evaluation of Foundations of IPC course

ACIPC is seeking to engage a suitably qualified organisation to undertake a review of its flagship education course, the Foundations of Infection Prevention and Control (FIPC), and relevant ACIPC policy and procedure that support the delivery of the FIPC course....
February Aged Care Community of Practice Webinar

February Aged Care Community of Practice Webinar

Aged Care On-site Pharmacist (ACOP) Measure Date & time: Wednesday 19 February at 2.00 pm AEDT. Guest speaker: Marianna Crank, Aged Care Pharmacy Team The Aged Care On-site Pharmacist Measure provides funding to engage pharmacists to work on-site in residential...
New Aged Care Quality and Safety Commissioner

New Aged Care Quality and Safety Commissioner

Liz Hefren-Webb appointed Aged Care Quality and Safety Commissioner Janet Anderson PSM will step down as the Commissioner after six years in the role, with Ms Hefren-Webb’s tenure beginning on January 20, 2025. Ms Hefren-Webb is currently Deputy Secretary,...
Companion animals in aged care resources

Companion animals in aged care resources

Residential and visiting animals improve the quality of life for older people in care. A person- and animal-centred approach supports the continuing companionship between an older person and their pet when moving into residential care. The Aged Care Bill 2024 affirms...

Commissioner urges COVD-19 preparedness this Christmas

No excuse for being unprepared for COVID-19, says commissioner As the Department of Health and Aged Care releases data revealing the increase in Covid-19 outbreaks in aged care residential facilities, the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commissioner Janet Anderson has...
Aged Care IPC guide now available

Aged Care IPC guide now available

The Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care has released its Aged Care Infection Prevention and Control (IPC) Guide. The Commission developed the Guide to support implementation of the strengthened Aged Care Quality Standards. The Guide is informed...