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Australia’s first standard of care for COPD

The Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care have released the Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) Clinical Care Standard.

Released on 17th October 2024, the standard aims to address the gaps around COPD care in Australia. The standard provides a framework for best practice care in community and acute settings, that focuses on accurate diagnosis, optimised therapy and reduced hospitalisation rates, as well as increased considerations of palliative care needs for people with COPD.
Endorsed by 20 peak health bodies, including ACIPC, the Thoracic Society and Lung Foundation Australia, the standard aligns with best practice guidelines to provide healthcare services with 10 quality statements and a set of indicators to support the implementation of the standard, and to provide high quality care to patients,
By implementing this standard, the Commission hopes to reduce the burden of COPD, prevent hospitalisations and improve outcomes for people with COPD.
You can view the Standard by clicking the link below: