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ACIPC and GAMA Healthcare IPC Tour watch now

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ACIPC & GAMA Healthcare recently partnered together to present a series of full-day, in-person seminars across Australia,

Seminars covered the recent developments in IPC, including insights on:

  • Antimicrobial resistance (AMR)
  • Preparing for winter challenges
  • Sustainable infection prevention solutions
  • Material compatibility
  • Expert panel discussion

Featuring guest speaker Dr Jon Otter, Director of Infection Prevention and Control, Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust, London, attendees also heard presentations from Prof Brett Mitchell AM, Belinda Henderson, Renae McBrien, Fiona De Sousa and ACIPC President  A/Prof Stephane Bouchoucha.

You can watch the Brisbane webinar here: IPC Tour 2024 Webinar – Zoom

View slides from each of the presentations here:




