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ACIPC Aged Care IPC Webinar Series

Membership is not required for attendance – everyone welcome. Please note the new time of 2.00PM. 

Note: Aged Care IPC Leads who have completed the ACIPC Foundations IPC Course are automatically gifted an ongoing ACIPC Educational Membership. The membership enables access to website educational material and the Aged Care Infexion and Infexion Connexion. Educational members are asked to ensure their contact details are correct with the College. 

Wednesday 19 February 2025, 2.00PM AEDT 

Speaker: Marianna Crank, Aged Care Pharmacy Team 

Aged Care On-site Pharmacist (ACOP) Measure 

The Aged Care On-site Pharmacist Measure provides funding to engage pharmacists to work on-site in residential aged care homes. On-site pharmacists regularly review medications to reduce medication related harm and optimise the use of medicines. On-site pharmacists work closely with aged care staff and the healthcare team. The Aged Care On-site Pharmacist Measure commenced 1 July 2024. This presentation will discuss funding, eligibility, claiming and payment arrangements, the role of the on-site pharmacist and the upcoming role of Primary Health Networks. 

About the speaker:

Mariana Crank is currently a Director in Pharmacy Branch at the Department of Health and Aged Care. Her team has responsibility for a diverse range of programs including the Aged Care On-site Pharmacist Measure.

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Webinar PowerPoint Resources 

PP Aged care on-sit pharmacist (ACOP) measure:

Aged care on-site pharmacist
Aged Care On-site Pharmacist Measure – Pharmacist and Residential Aged Care Home Guide

Wednesday 19 March 2025, 2.00PM AEDT 

Speaker: Irene Barron, IPC Manager, Silver Chain 

IPC Practice in Home Care 

The presentation provides an overview of a comprehensive infection prevention and control program tailored towards home care. Home care can be delivered where the client is living or at a clinic. The primary goal is to deliver safe, high-quality care, facilitate discharge from acute care settings, and to help support people to continue living at home. Care may include general or specialised medical care involving physicians, nursing or allied health professionals, as well as social or community-based services provided by carers that support activities of daily living. 

About the speaker: Irene is a Registered Nurse who graduated in 1990. She has a Post-Graduate Diploma in Infection Control, Master of Nursing, and is an Expert credentialled infection control professional (CICP-E). Irene started working in infection control in 1999. Her infection control career includes working as practitioner, coordinator and then 4years as Assistant Director of the Infection Control team at the King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Centre, a 1000 bed acute care hospital located in Riyadh Saudi Arabia. Upon her return to Australia, she worked as the infection control and staff heath nurse for the SA Health Dental unit, and then for the last 6 years as Manager of the infection prevention and control team at Silverchain. Silverchain provides health and aged care services Australia-wide to 140,000 clients per year, with 5,900 staff including nurses, doctors, allied health, carers and researchers. It sees clients in both metropolitan and country locations. What Irene says she enjoys most about IPC is that she is continually learning and feels that her contribution to the profession is helping to keep staff, clients and their families safe. She feels there is more to learn and achieve within this specialised field and hopes her passion for IPC inspires others.

Webinar PowerPoint Resources 

PP Aged care on-sit pharmacist (ACOP) measure:

Wednesday 16 April 2025, 2.00PM AEST 

Speakers: Prof Joan Ostaszkiewicz & Elizabeth Watt, National Ageing Research Institute 


In 2022-2023, 8.4% of people receiving government subsidised residential aged care in Australia required some form of catheter care. Although clinically beneficial for some people, indwelling urinary catheters increase the risk of infection, antimicrobial resistance, catheter blockage, delirium, bacteremia, admission to hospital, longer hospital stays, higher care costs, and mortality. There are inconsistent approaches to catheter care in Australia’s aged care homes, with many employees feeling unprepared and disempowered to provide routine catheter care and to prevent or manage complications.    Addressing this problem, nurse researchers from the National Ageing Research Institute designed a Catheter Care Bundle to assist aged care providers and clinical staff implement an effective, data driven quality assurance and performance improvement program about catheter care that improves the care and lives of people with indwelling urinary catheters who use their services. This presentation describes the bundle and the process being undertaken to ensure they are feasible and fit-for-purpose. 

About the speakers: Professor Joan Ostaszkiewicz is a Program Manager at the National Ageing Research Institute, an Honorary Associate Professor in the Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry and Health Sciences at the University of Melbourne, Adjunct Professor of Health and Innovation  Transformation Centre at Federation University and Visiting Professor at the Geller Institute for Ageing and Memory at the University of West London. As a Registered Nurse and an academic, Joan’s research expertise is the prevention and management of incontinence in frail older people. She leads a program of research on continence care and catheter care in residential aged care homes. Ms Elizabeth Watt is a Senior Research Fellow at the National Ageing Research Institute (NARI). Liz is a Registered Nurse with over 30-years of experience as an academic, teaching in undergraduate and postgraduate nursing courses. She has a special clinical interest in the care of people with bladder and bowel problems. Liz is a Fellow of the Australian College of Nursing, and a member of the Continence Nurses Society Australia and Australian and New Zealand Urological Nurses Society.

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Wednesday 14 May 2025, 2.00PM AEST 

Speaker: Sam Jewell – CEO -Life view Aged Care  

Companion Animals in Aged Care 

We know the human-animal bond is special but traditionally when someone moved into aged care their beloved pet could not come with them, causing further heartbreak for both.  This situation is however slowly changing (18% of providers now accept pets), and this presentation will explore Lifeview’s experience of having pets move into care with their owners – overcoming objections, changing the narrative and improving resident wellbeing. 

About the speaker: Samantha has a passion for equality, older Australians, their rights and delivering the best quality care possible for all who chose to live with Lifeview.  Samantha is also keen on changing the narrative and showcasing all that is great and innovative about aged care. Samantha’s modern leadership style see’s Lifeview at the forefront of specialist partnerships with organisations such as Dementia Australia, the Victorian Pride Centre and CANA.

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Wednesday 18 June 2025, 2.00PM AEST 

Speaker: Perri Waddell, Gerontology Nurse, Aged Care Manager and ACIPC Facilitator 

IPC Train the Trainer – education skills 

The Aged Care IPC Lead (or person responsible for IPC) has a range of responsibilities as determined by the ACQCS. Providing ongoing assessment of staff capability and education is a core function of the role. There is a gap between knowledge gained from completing an IPC course and teaching ability. This presentation explores ways to train the trainer by giving IPC Leads (or person responsible for IPC) some training tools to sustainably embed and advance IPC in aged care.

About the speaker: Gerontology Nurse, Perri Waddell is the 2024 West Australian Nurse and Midwifery Excellence Awards (WANMEA) Nurse of the Year. Perri is a migrant, hospital trained nurse who has called Australia home for the past 21 years. She has committed herself to role modelling aged care as a nursing career pathway. Perri holds a Masters in Clinical Nursing~Gerontology (ECU), Bachelor of Dementia (UTAS) and Post Graduate Certificate in Infection Control (Griffith). Perri is a credentialled IPC- Primary and contracted facilitator for ACIPC’s FIPC course and has facilitated over 600 students through the FIPC course. Perri is currently a Registered Nurse in the most remote Residential Aged Care Facility in Australia and recognises the challenges aged care IPC Leads face when driving best practice from the front line. 

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Wednesday 16 July 2025, 2.00PM AEST 

Speaker: Dr Jacqui Richmond, Program Manager, Workforce Development and Health Service Delivery- EC Australia at Burnet Institute 

Management of blood borne viruses in aged care 

The management of Blood Borne Viruses (BBV), specifically hepatitis B, hepatitis C and HIV, has evolved significantly over the past decade. Resulting in longer life expectancy allowing people with BBVs to live longer and move into aged care facilities. While the IPC management of BBVs has not changed – implementing standard precautions is all that’s needed to prevent transmission – there is a lot we can do to support older people living with BBVs. This presentation will provide an overview of the advancements in the management of BBVs, with a specific focus on aged care settings. 

About the speaker: Jacqui Richmond is a registered nurse with a PhD who works at the Burnet Institute, in the Eliminate hepatitis C Australia Partnership. Jacqui also facilitates the BBV testing course for ACIPC and the Foundations of IPC. The broad focus of Jacqui’s work is building the capacity of the health workforce to test, treat and manage the health care needs of people living with viral hepatitis.

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Wednesday 20 August 2025, 2.00PM AEST 

Speakers: Chloe Tilson – IPC Lead and Kelly Barton – Executive Director of Clinical Services – Alpine Health  

In the life of an IPC lead 

As the IPC Lead role was a newly created position during a time of many unknowns it has been an exciting journey becoming an IPC Lead. Becoming an IPC Lead has led to many opportunities to extend my knowledge base in the field of Infection Prevention & Control. Having a structured Infection Prevention and Control Program is very beneficial and has allowed for the IPC Lead journey to run efficiently. It gives me the ability to educate staff. Changing staff culture and educate staff on areas from audit results where there has been an increase or decline in results. Able to attend organisational and external networking meetings. 

About the speakers: Chloe Tilson – I work in a small rural country town in North East Victoria. Alpine Health has three multi-purpose sites, within the area. All sites offer acute care services, urgent care and residential care services. I am one of two IPC Leads and cover as the IPC Lead for two of the sites. I have been an Enrolled Nurse for 17 years and an IPC Lead 5 years. I have always had an interest in Infection Prevention and Control during my nursing career and becoming an IPC Lead has allowed me to continue to explore my interest within this field. Kelly Barton is an Infection Control Consultant with 14 years’ experience in the role at Alpine Health in Northeast Victoria. Kelly completed her Masters in Infection Control at Griffith University in 2022 an has a Graduate Certificate in Advanced Acute Care. She is passionate about One Health, Aged Care and AMS. In 2023 she went to Cambodia with the charity Supporting Silk Sisters to help a rural referral hospital with their first ever accreditation preparations.

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Wednesday 17 September 2025, 2.00PM AEST 

Speaker: Steve Neal, Head of Clinical and Leadership Programs, Lorraine Poulos & Associates 

Infection Control in a Home Care setting with a focus on aged care 

The presentation will examine the impact of the strengthened standards on infection control in home care aged care services, focusing on the associated expectations and practical requirements. It will highlight the unique infection control challenges and risks specific to the home care setting, offering an opportunity to explore strategies for improvement. Participants will be invited to engage in discussion and share their experiences, fostering a collaborative exchange of insights and practical solutions 

About the speaker: Steve qualified as a Registered Nurse in 1990 in the UK, primarily working in Mental Health and Disability services in England, Wales, and Scotland. Steve moved to Melbourne in 2005 and has worked for several disability and Aged Care service providers. Steve currently works for Lorraine Poulos and Associates as the Head of Clinical and Leadership programs and is a board member for a large disability and aged care service provider. Steve worked with the Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care as part of the Healthcare Associated Infection Program.

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Wednesday 15 October 2025, 2.00PM AEDT 

Speaker: Sandra Roodt, National Manager Infection Prevention & Control 

Practical ways to set yourself up for success as an IPC professional 

Are you new to Infection Prevention and Control (IPC) or considering a enhancing your capability in this field? Unsure where to start or how to set yourself up for success? This session is for you. It will provide novice IPC professionals with an overview of professional development opportunities in Australia and practical ways to enhance your standing in the field. Additionally, as IPC programs navigate a constantly evolving healthcare landscape, including pandemics and resource limitations, this presentation will offer strategies to increase your resource capacity while maintaining evidence-based practices. 

About the speaker: Sandra is an experienced Infection Prevention and Control Practitioner. Her 15-year experience working in Infection Prevention and Control spans across the Residential Aged Care, Home Care and Acute Healthcare Settings. Sandra is a Credentialed Infection Prevention and Control Practitioner at Expert Level (CIPC-E) and a Fellow of the Australasian College for Infection Prevention and Control (FACIPC). She is currently the National Manager of Infection Prevention and Control for a large provider of acute, residential aged and home care services in Australia. Sandra is passionate about everything Infection Prevention and Control and loves sharing her passion and knowledge with others.

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Wednesday 17 December 2025, 2.00PM AEDT 

Speaker: Terry McAuley – Director – Steam Consulting  MSc Medical Device Decontamination; Grad Dip Education and Training; Cert Mgt Decontamination Reusable Medical Devices (UK); Cert Sterilization and Infection Control; Cert Perioperative Nursing; Cert Operating Suite Management; RN; MACIPC, MACORN, MCNA

Reprocessing of reusable medical devices and equipment in the aged care setting 

Reusable medical devices are used on a day-to-day basis in the delivery of healthcare across a range of practice settings. Medical devices can be categorised as critical, semi-critical or non-critical and it is essential for health professionals to be able to confidently assess which category a medical device belongs to in order to ensure that these devices are cleaned, and where necessary disinfected correctly between patient uses. This presentation will:

  • examine the Spaulding Classification and how to allocate reusable medical devices to the correct classification
  • explore the regulatory environment as it applies to cleaning agents and disinfectants used to reprocess reusable medical devices
  • describe the principles of effective cleaning and disinfection in the aged care setting.

About the speaker: Terry is a passionate advocate for the achievement of best practice in reprocessing reusable medical devices and is committed to sharing her knowledge with her colleagues and peers. She represented ACIPC on the Standards Australia Committee HE-023 responsible for AS/NZS4187 and AS/NZS4815 (now AS5369) for over 20 years. Terry contributed Chapter 16 Disinfection and Sterilisation in the textbook Healthcare-Associated Infections In Australia – Principles and Practices of Infection Prevention and Control. Terry has extensive expertise in reprocessing reusable medical devices; and infection prevention and control across a range of practice settings and has authored the ApodA Infection Prevention and Control Guidelines for Podiatrists and a number of other IPC and reprocessing resources during her career.

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Click here to view recordings of the 2024 webinar series