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ACIPC has the following committees:

  • Professional and credentialling standards
    To evaluate credentialling applications submitted by ACIPC members and progress assessment outcomes as recommendations for credentialling of ACIPC members to the Board. In addition, this Committee will advance the professional standing of ACIPC credentialling. Terms of Reference – Professional and Credentialling Standards
  • Education and professional development
    The Education Committee will work to support the Australasian College for Infection Prevention and Control (ACIPC) Board of Directors to achieve the relevant Strategic Action Priority Areas. Terms of Reference – Education and Professional Development
  • Membership communication and engagement
    The purpose of the membership communication and engagement committee is to enhance communication and engagement with individuals who have an interest in infection prevention and control (IPC). The committee focuses on strengthening the profile of the profession and the college as the peak body for IPC. TOR Membership Communication and Engagement Committee
  • Research, grants and scholarships 
    The purpose of the research, grants, and scholarships committee is to facilitate and promote infection prevention and control (IPC) research and opportunities for members. Terms of Reference – Research, Grants and Scholarship 
  • Practice Guidance
    The Practice Guidance Committee will work to support the Australasian College for Infection Prevention and Control (ACIPC) Board of Directors to achieve the relevant Strategic Action Priority Areas. Terms of Reference – Practice Guidance Committee
  • Governance and risk
    The purpose of the Governance Finance and Risk Committee (the Committee) is to ensure there are robust and effective processes for evaluating the performance of the Board and Board Committees and to ensure that the Board fulfills its legal, ethical and functional responsibilities. The Committee must ensure compliance with statutory reporting responsibilities and assist the Board in fulfilling its oversight responsibilities. This includes reviewing draft financial reports, the systems of internal controls and risk management which the Board has established, and the audit process. Terms of Reference – Governance and Risk
  • Scientific conference
    To address the interests and educational requirements of the Australasian College for Infection Prevention and Control (ACIPC) membership and to ensure that the conference provides revenue for ACIPC by generating a scientific program of sufficient interest that ensures attendance by both delegates and sponsors. Terms of Reference -Scientific Conference.