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Practice guidance committee


The Practice Guidance Committee will work to support the Australasian College for Infection Prevention and Control (ACIPC) Board of Directors to achieve the relevant Strategic Action Priority Areas.

Practice Guidance Committee


  • Develop priorities for the Committee following identification of areas of need for infection prevention and control guidance;
  • Compile, assess, develop, and influence guidelines and standards related to infection prevention and control practice;
  • Provide a means within ACIPC to guide and inform the membership on practice issues;
  • Makes a recommendation to the Executive Management Team on standards, guidelines and other pertinent documents that affect or influence infection prevention and control practice.


The Committee will consist of a chair and a minimum of six members with the requisite skills and experience.

  • The chair of the committee is appointed by the board. If required, the chair may nominate one of the members as deputy chair or co-chair.
  • Members are appointed by written application to the chair of the committee with final approval by the board of directors.
  • Members serve a term of two years and may seek reappointment (Appendix 1 Current Committee).
  • Members are required to attend a minimum of 75% of all scheduled meetings unless a leave of absence or alternative arrangement has been approved by the chair.
  • Occasionally observers and other non-committee members may be invited to attend a meeting. Admittance is subject to their maintaining confidentiality.


The chair of the committee (or delegate) is required to:

  • ensure minutes are made available to the committee members and to the board;
  • provide a written report to the board of directors using an approved reporting template as required;
  • provide a yearly report to be included in the ACIPC Annual Report AGM.

Office support

The office of ACIPC will provide secretariat support to the committee and action the following:

  • preparation of agenda and notice of meeting;
  • recording of minutes of the meetings;
  • circulating of draft minutes from the previous meeting are to be circulated one week following the meeting.


Committee members are to maintain confidentiality on all issues discussed, and members’ applications.

This requirement survives the termination or the expiry of membership of the committee.

Conflict of interest

Committee members will at all times declare any actual/potential or perceived conflicts of interest and this

will be noted in the minutes of the meeting and in accordance with the ACIPC Confidentiality at Meetings

Policy. The chair will determine any action arising from any perceived conflicts of interest.


At the end of each financial year, the committee will undertake a self-assessment of performance as directed by the committee chair. This review will be tabled at an ACIPC Board meeting.

Review of the terms of reference

The committee will review the terms of reference each year.

Members of the Practice Guidance Committee

Ann Whitfield
Nicola Isles (Co-Chair)
Maureen Canning
Gillian Ray-Barruel
Michelle Kennedy
Karen McKenna
Carrie Spinks
Sacha McMillan
Heidi Munchenberg
Sharon Kenny
Ann Borg
Emily Chapple