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Membership communication and engagement committee

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The purpose of the membership communication and engagement committee is to enhance communication and engagement with individuals who have an interest in infection prevention and control (IPC). The committee focuses on strengthening the profile of the profession and the college as the peak body for IPC.

Membership Communication and Engagement


  • Propose ideas and themes for development of content for the website, social media and IPC news
  • Oversight of ACIPC Mentoring Program, including coordinating the recruitment of mentors and working with the Art of Mentoring on the pairing of mentors and mentees.
  • Promoting the development of Special Interest Groups (SIGs) by providing support and advice to members interesting in convening SIGs.
  • Promotion and development of resources for key Infection Prevention and Control activities i.e. World Hand Hygiene Days, International Infection Prevention and Control week
  • Consider strategies and opportunities to retain existing members and attract new members from different sectors and demographics. This involves creating value-added benefits to encourage membership.
  • Collaborates with the Australasian College for Infection Prevention and Control (ACIPC) Education Committee to identify areas of education based on members’ feedback


The committee will consist of a chair and up to 10 members with the requisite skills and experience.

  • The chair of the committee is a board director appointed by the Board).
  • The chair will appoint one of the members as deputy chair or co-chair.
  • Members are appointed by written application to the chair of the committee with final approval by the board of directors.
  • Members serve a term of two years and may seek reappointment (Appendix 1 Current Committee).
  • Members are required to attend a minimum of 75% of all scheduled meetings unless a leave of absence, or alternative arrangement has been approved by the chair or there is a cancellation of the meeting, which will be at the discretion of the chair.
  • The committee should be made up of a diverse membership i.e., dental, veterinary, aged care, CSSD.


The chair of the committee (or delegate) is required to:

  • provide a written report to the board of directors using an approved reporting template as per the board reporting schedule
  • provide a yearly report to be included in the ACIPC Annual Report for the AGM.

Designation of Authority

  • Allocation of the working budget for MCEC projects as agreed by the Board
  • Additional requests for funding as determined by the Board

Office support

The office of ACIPC will provide secretariat support to the committee and action the following:

  • preparation of agenda and notice of meeting;
  • recording of minutes of the meetings;
  • circulation of draft minutes from the previous meeting to be circulated one week following the meeting;
  • preparation and facilitation of annual committee evaluation
  • support the committee as required with resources to action committee activities. This includes but is not limited to support with writing articles, facilitating interviews, and progressing with engagement opportunities.
  • Support for activities as endorsed by the Board.
  • Development of communication plan for membership engagement
  • Administrative support for the Mentoring Program in consultation with the Art of Mentoring


Committee members are to maintain confidentiality on all issues discussed, and members’ applications.
This requirement survives the termination or expiry of membership of the membership of the committee.

Conflict of Interest

Members will at all times declare any actual/potential or perceived conflicts of interests and this will be noted in the minutes of the meeting. The chair will determine any action arising from any perceived conflicts of interest.


At the end of each financial year, the committee will undertake a self-assessment of performance as directed by the committee chair. This review will be tabled at an ACIPC Board meeting.

Review of the terms of reference

The committee must review the terms of reference each year.

Members of the Membership Communication and Engagement Committee

Erica Beukers
Darren Martin
Dianne Smith
Sarah Thomas
Angela Willemsen
Gemma Saravanos
Margaret Leong
Kristie Popkiss
Judith Penman
Nicola Herbert
Priscilla Singh