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Whiteley Seminar Series Tour – 7 September

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Register for the latest Whiteley Seminar Series Tour – Cutting Edge Advances in Biofilm Research

This Seminar Series is focused on the latest research information on biofilm associations with Urinary Tract Infections, the impact of biofilms on wound care and the latest discoveries in biofilm testing.

Keynote Speakers:

Professor Slade Jenson
Professor at Western Sydney University
B.Med.Sc. (USyd) PhD. (USyd).
Topic: Microbes, biofilms and diabetes-related foot ulcers.

Associate Professor Greg Whiteley
FEHA, MASM, MSHEA, PhD, M Safety Sc, B App, Dip AICD.
Topic: Advances in Biofilm Testing.

Doctor Arthika Manoharan
Postdoctoral Research Fellow at University of Sydney
Topic: Rethinking biofilm treatments in catheter associated urinary tract infections.

Webinar Date: 7 September at 6pm AEST
2 CPD points will be made available to those who join the full duration.

To register for the Webinar – click here

Hurry places are limited and registrations close on Friday 5 September 2023.

Seminar Series Flyer – click here

For more information and to register visit:
If you have any questions, please email