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International Nurses Day “Our Nurses. Our Future.”

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International Nurses’ Day is celebrated every year on May 12th, the birthday of Florence Nightingale. Nursing as a profession continues to evolve since Florence Nightingale’s time however her work was pivotal in demonstrating the significant impact of infections and how they could be prevented. Many infection prevention and control (IPC) principles she championed in the 19th century, such as hand hygiene and good ventilation, remain of central importance in modern day healthcare.

International Nurses Day provides an opportunity to reflect on past accomplishments and plan for the challenges in the near and distant future, both within the profession of nursing, and in IPC more broadly. At the tail end of a transformational infectious disease pandemic, it is important that we continue to celebrate nurses and acknowledge their immeasurable contributions to the field of IPC as we look to the future.

ACIPC is proud to celebrate the contribution of our more than 6000 members from the nursing profession. These nurses work in variety of settings and locations to champion the importance of IPC across every level of the health care system. They may work in hospitals, primary care, public health, the aged care sector, research, and government organisations. These nurses care, educate, advocate and lead. Our future health and wellbeing depends on every nurse, not only on the front lines of care, but also on the front lines of change.

“Our Nurses. Our Future.” Click here to read more