Policy – Code of conduct for members
This code aims to ensure all Australasian College for Infection Prevention and Control (ACIPC) interactions are conducted ethically, with honesty, integrity and in a professional manner befitting the College’s stature. This code has been adopted to prescribe a minimum standard of conduct expected of members when dealing with each other, with the ACIPC staff and representatives, and when representing ACIPC.
College members are required to adhere to the ACIPC Code of Conduct for Members. In accepting a membership, members agree to behave ethically and with honesty and integrity, and fully demonstrate the behaviours outlined in this policy. All ACIPC members, including students, are expected to understand and adhere to this code. Any complaints or alleged misconduct will be investigated in accordance with the ACIPC Constitution clause 9. In accordance with the ACIPC Constitution clause 6.4, if any member is guilty of any conduct that, in the opinion of the board of directors, is unbecoming of a member or prejudicial to the interests of the College, the board of directors may revoke their membership. This code applies to all interactions involving ACIPC members. It also applies to all individuals engaged as representatives on external bodies.
This code does not apply to:
a. any obligations incurred by members acting within their profession;
b. any matters not connected to ACIPC; or
c. any matters that are covered by any legal matters, including work health and safety matters (other than by reference to expected standards of behaviour).
Policy statement
It is expected that members will:
a. act ethically, with honesty and integrity, always in the best interests of ACIPC;
b. not make improper use of their position as a member to gain advantage for themselves or for any other person;
c. adhere to all ACIPC policies, including the social media policy;
d. take individual responsibility to contribute actively to all aspects of ACIPC activities;
e. treat colleagues with respect, courtesy, honesty and fairness, and have proper regard for their interests, rights, safety and welfare;
f. not harass, bully or discriminate against colleagues, members of the public and/or employees; and
g. contribute to a harmonious, safe and productive environment/culture through professional workplace relationships.
Communication and official information
It is expected that members will:
a. refrain from making any unauthorised public statements regarding ACIPC business;
b. support, adhere to, and not contradict the formal decisions of the board;
c. respect the confidentiality and privacy of all information as it pertains to individuals.
Conflicts of interest
It is expected that members will:
a. disclose any personal or business interests that may give rise to actual or perceived conflicts of interest;
b. not allow personal or financial interests, or the interests of any associated person, to conflict with the interests of ACIPC;
c. ensure that where conflicts of interest do arise, they are managed in the public interest.
Governance and ACIPC reputation
It is expected that members will take responsibility for contributing in a constructive, courteous, and positive way to enhance good governance and the reputation of ACIPC