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Re: Re pouches carried by nurses on a shift

Home Forums Infexion Connexion Re pouches carried by nurses on a shift Re: Re pouches carried by nurses on a shift

Lesley MASON

Lesley MASON




Hi All, Lesley here standing in for Debra Vesey.
Ummmm, and what about those lanyards too, particularly the ones with all the badges and pins (form groups that we support with donations) attached?
I often wonder if these are incubation and infection transport devices –

Lesley Mason
Acting Clinical Nurse Consultant
Infection Control & Sterilising Services
Metro North Health and Hospital Services
Caboolture Hospital

Phone 5433 8024

>>> Tain Gardiner 6/6/2013 10:18 am >>>
Morning everyone
We have the same issue across the board, we have recently incorporated into our uniform policy that these pouches are to be treated like the uniform and be laundered daily.
I doubt that happens, but it is in writing.

Tain Gardiner
Royal Darwin Hospital

—–Original Message—–

Dear colleagues,
Many nurses carry pouches (or bumbags for want of a better word) which hold their scissors, pens, tape,and even a mobile phone during a shift. I feel that these bumbags are a source of infection and the nurses should not be carrying these around. However I have faced stiff opposition when trying to stop this practice. Have you had a similar experience in your hospitals and what are your thoughts on this?

CNC Infection Control | Hornsby & Ku-ring-gai Health Service
Palmerston Road,
Tel 02 9477 9232 | Pager 52533|

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