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Re: specimen refrigerators

Home Forums Infexion Connexion specimen refrigerators Re: specimen refrigerators

Lawson, Chris

Lawson, Chris




Our specimens are housed in the treatment room.

Christine Lawson | RN

Quality and Risk Manager | Caboolture Private Hospital
Caboolture Private Hospital McKean Street, CABOOLTURE QLD 4510
t: 07 5495 9418
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We are currently undertaking redevelopment activities on our main campus and an issue of where to house the specimen refrigerator has arisen. We do not have an onsite pathology service and rely on courier service to collect specimens for testing. The project officers would like the specimen refrigerators to be housed in the utility/ dirty room and the other option is for them to go into the treatment room. I’m wondering if other ICPs with similar dilemma (utilise specimen refrigerators) can provide comments around where they should be located. Unfortunately I can’t seem to find any evidence of where specimen refrigerators should be located, although treatment rooms would be preferred – from aspect of not wanting couriers/ staff to enter dirty zones to access specimens. Many thanks. Jen

Jennifer K Tozer
BArts Anthro,RN,MHN,IC cert
Infection Prevention & Control Coordinator
Mental Health Directorate
Adelaide Health Service

Telephone (08) 8282 0474
Facsimile (08) 8282 0499
mobile 0423 782 171

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