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Re: Public Toilets – Individual Urinal Versus Trough

Home Forums Infexion Connexion Public Toilets – Individual Urinal Versus Trough Re: Public Toilets – Individual Urinal Versus Trough

Matt Mason

Matt Mason




Hi Fiona,

I agree with Terry. There is unlikely to be much in the way of evidence of spread of infection in this setting and I suspect the risk if any, would be fairly low. As a frequent user of public facilities aesthetically the wall mounted single urinal is highly preferential for the reasons outlined by Terry. I would add that in terms of maintenance the blockage of one urinal that can be isolated is easier to manage than a floor trough that tend to back up over the floor. I would look to your maintenance department for their input to confirm this with the set up you go with.

I would also consider the need for a lower mounted urinal for children to use as this is often overlooked. There is nothing like seeing a kid trying to aim up into urinal and getting it everywhere or balancing on the edge of the urinal which both my boys have done.

Cheers Matt

Matt Mason
RN, BNSci, Grad Dip (Remote Health), M Rural Health, M Adv Prac (Inf Cont), CICP

Lecturer/Campus Co-ordinator
School of Nursing, Midwifery & Nutrition
James Cook University
Thursday Island
Qld, 4875

P: (07) 4069 2670
I: +61 7 4069 2670
F: (07) 4069 2627

JCU CRICOS Provider Code: 00117J


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