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Re: Management of MROs in the Operating Suite

Home Forums Infexion Connexion Management of MROs in the Operating Suite Re: Management of MROs in the Operating Suite

Ruth Ryburn

Ruth Ryburn




Hi Rebecca,

Thank you for the excerpt from your MRSA/VRE policy which was interesting.

I did note that you specify using alginate bags for contaminated linen but I was under the impression these were no longer in vogue. Can anyone confirm or otherwise please?

Many thanks,

Ruth Ryburn
Infection Control Coordinator
58 Quirk St
Dee Why, NSW 2099
T: +612 8978 5276
F: +612 9971 7299
M: 0414 801 660
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From: ACIPC Infexion Connexion [mailto:AICALIST@AICALIST.ORG.AU] On Behalf Of Rebecca O’Donnell
Sent: Tuesday, 17 July 2012 12:32 PM
Subject: Re: Management of MROs in the Operating Suite

Hi Sue,

Here is an excerpt from our MRSA / VRE policy. Hope it helps?

Management of MRSA Positive Patients in the Operating Suite

Ensure the Infection Control Coordinator is notified

Ensure MRSA positive patients be admitted directly to the ward, and then transferred to directly theatre. This will avoid unnecessary travel throughout day surgery unit and other areas of theatre department

For ease of management and cleaning purposes, patients who are known to be colonised or infected with MRSA must be placed last on the theatre list

Ensure patients with MRSA be recovered in the operating room where possible then transferred directly back to the ward

If this is not possible, then the patient will be cared for by designated nurse in recovery area

The operating room and/or recovery area must be thoroughly cleaned with hospital approved cleaning solution for MRSA (see General Cleaning Procedure). This includes the anaesthetic machine, trolley. All horizontal surfaces must be cleaned and walls should be spot cleaned

Ensure non disposable equipment is wiped down with hospital approved cleaning solution for MRSA (see General Cleaning Procedure) before being returned to general use

Ensure all linen is discarded in alginate bags then placed in white linen bags

Ensure all clinical waste e.g. dressings, sputum, blood soaked items be discarded in yellow clinical waste bags/bins

Kind regards,

Rebecca ODonnell | Infection Control Co-ordinator

St Vincent’s Hospital Toowoomba | 22-36 Scott Street TOOWOOMBA 4350

T 07 4690 4042 | F 07 46904400

E | W

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—–Original Message—–
From: ACIPC Infexion Connexion [mailto:AICALIST@AICALIST.ORG.AU] On Behalf Of Sue Flockhart
Sent: Monday, 16 July 2012 5:41 PM
Subject: Management of MROs in the Operating Suite

Hi All,

We are loking at standardising our approach to the management of patients with known MROs in our operating suite. I am interested to know what other facilites are doing and would you share guidelines/policies etc.

kind Regards

Sue Flockhart

Manager, Infection Prevention & Control Unit Staff Immunisation Clinic Ballarat Health Services Victoria


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