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The Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care (ACSQHC) is a government agency which was established by the Commonwealth, with the support of State and Territory governments to lead and coordinate national improvements in safety and quality in health care across Australia.

It has a number of programspublications and resources to support healthcare professionals, healthcare organisations and healthcare policy makers, working with patients and carers, to deliver safe and quality health care across Australia.

The College has a close working relationship with the Commission as part of our role in the  development of standards and improving health outcomes

The College is a member of the Coalition of National Nursing Organisations (CoNNO) and is currently represented by Marija Juraja – President Elect.

CoNNO is made up of more than 50 national nursing organisations in an alliance to work collectively to advance the nursing profession to improve health care.

The Coalition represents the national interests of nurses in all sectors of the health profession, and comprises specialist national nursing organisations from many different areas of nursing practice.

With primary funding support from the Australian Government Department of Health and Ageing, the Coalition meets face to face twice a year.

On 1 July 2012 the Royal College of Nursing Australia and The College of Nursing combined to form the Australian College of Nursing.

ACIPC is working with the ACN and many members belong to both organisations.

The Medical Technology Association of Australia (MTAA) is the national association representing companies in the medical technology industry. MTAA aims to ensure the benefits of modern, innovative and reliable medical technology are delivered effectively to provide better health outcomes to the Australian community.

Many members of the College work closely with members of the MTAA.


ACIPC is an Associate Member of the Influenza Specialist Group with membership including medical and scientific specialists from around Australia and New Zealand with an interest in influenza.

The Mission Statement  is to;

  • Increase understanding of the impact of influenza and its relationships to other infectious respiratory diseases.
  • Reduce the public health impact of influenza through increased awareness among consumers and healthcare professionals and of best practice in the prevention and treatment of influenza.
  • Based on scientific studies and available evidence, influence Australian policy development in the area of respiratory diseases