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Policy – Authority to approve contracts, spending and payments


The Australasian College for Infection Prevention and Control (ACIPC) has been established as a company that functions using a combination of remunerated positions (contractors, and some designated committee positions) as well as a voluntary service capacity. All members and staff are required to follow the system and process identified in this policy when approving and authorising contracts, spending and payments on behalf of the College. This policy aligns with the delegated authorities noted in our constitution.


This policy applies to, and is binding on, all members and people employed by or representing the College in any capacity; including volunteers, employees, contractors and consultants (referred to as ‘members’ and ‘staff’) who are employed by, or undertake activities on behalf of, the College.

Policy statement

Authority to approve contracts

The authority to approve contracts on behalf of ACIPC rests with the Executive Council (EC). All contracts approved by the EC will be signed on its behalf by the president and the past president subject to the limitations or conditions set by the EC for that contract. The president or past president may delegate their authority to sign a contract in writing to a member of the EC subject to EC approval.

No person may enter into binding contract negotiations, or approve or execute a contract on behalf of ACIPC, without explicit written permission from the EC. Those signing without such authority may incur personal liability, and be subject to disciplinary and/or recovery action by ACIPC.

Renewals, extensions, amendments and modifications to previously approved contracts can only occur in the same manner as a new contract, as described above.

Authority to approve spending and payment

The president, past president, operations manager and secretariat are appointed as ‘authorised signatories’ and have the authority to sign for spending or payment on behalf of ACIPC. The authorised signatories may temporarily delegate their authority as an authorised signatory in writing to a member of the EC, subject to EC approval.

No person other than an authorised signatory may approve or execute an authority to sign for spending or payment on behalf of ACIPC. Those signing without such authority may incur personal liability, and be subject to disciplinary and or recovery action by ACIPC.

Establishing, approval and changing of financial arrangements

The authority to approve, establish or change financial arrangements, such as banking or investment arrangements of ACIPC, rests with the EC. All financial arrangements approved by the EC will be enacted on its behalf by the president and the operations manager subject to the limitations or conditions set by the EC. The president or operations manager may delegate their authority to enact such arrangements in writing to a member of the EC, subject to EC approval.

No person may enter into negotiations, or approve or execute the establishment of or changes to financial arrangements on behalf of ACIPC, without explicit written permission from the EC. Those doing so without such authority may incur personal liability, and may be subject to discipline in accordance with ACIPC policy.

Spending and payment approval limits

The EC will set spending and payment approval limits for authorised signatories annually.

The College credit cards held by the secretariat, operations manager and events and marketing manager each have a $5,000.00 limit.

Methods of payment and expenditure

Credit card

The secretariat, operations manager and events and marketing manager positions have been issued with credit cards for the ACIPC account. these credit cards are issued with a $5,000.00 limit and require one signature.

These credit cards are authorised to be used to purchase office supplies, travel and accommodation on college business, on occasions when an invoice cannot be generated. Credit cards must be a credit only option (not direct debit) and must be payable only by monthly statement.

Electronic banking

ACIPC has established electronic banking accounts for the payment of College expenses. The secretariat is authorised to raise an invoice for payment on the College account. This invoice must then be authorised by an authorised office-bearer using the electronic coder.

The authorised office-bearers for ACIPC accounts are the president, past president and president elect. These authorities shall be established when the person takes office as president, past president and president elect and shall be revoked when the person completes their term.

The invoice raised by the secretariat is authorised for payment by the online banking account using the personalised password and security system. Each of the authorised office-bearers is issued with an electronic coder and uses two personal passwords to ensure secure access to the electronic banking system.

Conflicts of interest

It is the responsibility of all ACIPC representatives and contractors to ensure that ACIPC does not knowingly enter into contracts or expenditure that present conflicts of interest. ACIPC representatives must exercise their authority in a manner consistent with the ACIPC Code of Ethics and Conduct. If a conflict arises, any official who otherwise has contract negotiation and/or approval and signatory authority must disclose the conflict to the EC promptly and must excuse themselves from further involvement in the contract, spending or payment procedure.

Where a conflict arises, the EC will appoint one of its members to substitute for the representative or contractor who has declared a conflict.