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GOARN request for assistance: Monkeypox response in EURO 2022

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ACIPC is a Member of the Global Outbreak Alert Response Network (GOARN).

WHO/Europe is looking for deployments through GOARN to support WHO/Europe actions in response to the ongoing outbreaks of monkeypox as well as to backfill other core functions. Candidates should be ready to deploy for a minimum of 8-12 weeks.

Background and Situation update: 

Since 13 May, a rapidly increasing number of countries in the European Region have reported cases of confirmed or probable monkeypox with no travel link to endemic countries. Close to 1,000 confirmed cases have been reported in the past week from over 20 European countries. No deaths have been reported.

Epidemiological investigations are ongoing, however, reported cases thus far have no established travel links to endemic areas. To date, all cases whose samples were confirmed have been identified as being infected with the West African clade.

Based on currently available information, initially detected cases have mainly but not exclusively been identified amongst men who have sex with men (MSM) seeking care in primary care and sexual health clinics. Transmission in other population groups cannot be ruled out, especially in individuals or communities whose professions (e.g healthcare workers, sex workers) or chosen behaviors (people who have sexual contact with multiple partners) put them at higher risk of exposure.

The situation is rapidly evolving and WHO expects there will be more cases of monkeypox identified as surveillance expands in non-endemic countries. Immediate actions focus on informing those who may be most at risk for monkeypox infection with accurate information, in order to detect further cases and stop further spread.

Outbreak Response: 

Tools to manage monkeypox in Europe, including diagnostics, vaccine and therapeutics are not likely to be immediately or widely accessible to countries. WHO/Europe is working with countries to:

  • Facilitate real-time pan-European information sharing, knowledge generation and learning in this uncertain and early stage of the event.
  • Determine the current extent of infection, further understand the transmission dynamics, and examine possible future scenarios of spread.
  • Share rapid, frequent and evidence-based advice and support to European countries on the investigation, control and prevention of further spread that meet the urgent needs of countries as they respond to this unusual spread of monkeypox.

Request for assistance 

WHO is seeking the in the following areas of expertise:

  • Infectious diseases epidemiology
  • Health Information and data management
  • Risk Communication and Community Engagement experts
  • Public health interventions including contact tracing
  • Laboratory diagnostics, orthopoxvirus virology and sequencing –
  • Infection prevention and control in healthcare settings
  • Clinical management in the following areas: infectious diseases or orthopoxviruses, sexually transmitted infections

Preference will be given to deployments that can cover the entire operational timeframe of 12 weeks; however, WHO will also consider rotation of staff for a minimum of 6-8 week field periods, provided adequate planning and overlap are assured.

Essential requirements:

Education and training

  • First level university degree in relevant area of expertise
  • Postgraduate degree in discipline, or equivalent in experience.


  •  Demonstrated knowledge of area of expertise as related to
  • Minimum 3-5 years of relevant experience.
    (For Clinical management in the following areas: infectious diseases or orthopoxviruses, sexually transmitted infections – at least 7-10 years of relevant experience )


  • Fluency in spoken and written English

Deployment duration 

  • 6-8 weeks minimum

Desired Requirements:


  • Previous experience with WHO or other UN agencies.
  • Previous experience in Europe or other international experience.

Deployment duration 

  • 12 weeks or more.

In line with the usual GOARN procedures, WHO will cover the cost of travel and per diem (daily allowance) for staff deployed, and provide logistics and security support in country. Please note there is no salary provided.



To apply, please email the College GOARN representative, Dr Peta-Anne Zimmerman –

Please provide all required details for the offer including CV, availability date range, maximum duration for deployment and position(s) you would make yourself available for.

Please note that only complete applications from candidates, fulfilling all essential requirements listed above will be considered.